The Political Culture of the Sister Republics, 1794-1806

The Political Culture of the Sister Republics, 1794-1806

France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy

  • Autor: Oddens, Joris; Rutjes, Mart; Jacobs, Erik
  • Editor: Amsterdam University Press
  • Col·lecció: Intellectual and Political History
  • ISBN: 9789089646064
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048522415
  • Lloc de publicació:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Any de publicació digital: 2015
  • Mes: Abril
  • Pàgines: 238
  • DDC: 940.2/7
  • Idioma: Anglés
Leading historians of the French, Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine and Neapolitan revolutions bridge the gap between the historiographies of the so-called 'Sister' Republics. They explore political culture as a set of discourses or political practices. Parliamentary practices, the comparability of 'universal' political concepts, late-eighteenth century Republicanism, the relationship between press and politics, and the interaction between the Sister Republics and France are studied from a comparative, transnational perspective.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
    • Timeline of the Sister Republics (1794-1806)
      • The political culture of the Sister Republics
        • Joris Oddens and Mart Rutjes
      • ‘The political passions of other nations’
        • National choices and the European order in the writings of Germaine de Staël
          • Biancamaria Fontana
    • 1. The transformation of republicanism
      • The transformation of republicanism in the Sister Republics / Andrew Jainchill
      • ‘Republic’ and ‘democracy’ in Dutch late eighteenth-century revolutionary discourse / Wyger R. E. Velema
      • New wine in old wineskins: Republicanism in the Helvetic Republic / Urte Weeber
    • 2. Political concepts and languages
      • Revolutionary concepts and languages in the Sister Republics of the late 1790s / Pasi Ihalainen
      • Useful citizens. Citizenship and democracy in the Batavian Republic, 1795-1801 / Mart Rutjes
      • From rights to citizenship to the Helvetian indigénat: Political integration of citizens under the Helvetic Republic / Silvia Arlettaz
      • The battle over ‘democracy’ in Italian political thought during the revolutionary triennio, 1796-1799 / Mauro Lenci
    • 3. The invention of democratic parliamentary practices
      • Parliamentary practices in the Sister Republics in the light of the French experience / Malcolm Crook
      • Making the most of national time: Accountability, transparency, and term limits in the first Dutch Parliament (1796-1797) / Joris Oddens
      • The invention of democratic parliamentary practices in the Helvetic Republic: Some remarks / André Holenstein
      • The Neapolitan republican experiment of 1799: Legislation, balance of power, and the workings of democracy between theory and practice / Valeria Ferrari
    • 4. Press, politics, and public opinion
      • Censorship and press liberty in the Sister Republics: Some reflections / Simon Burrows
      • 1798: A turning point? : Censorship in the Batavian Republic / Erik Jacobs
      • Censorship and public opinion: Press and politics in the Helvetic Republic (1798-1803) / Andreas Würgler
      • Liberty of press and censorship in the first Cisalpine Republic / Katia Visconti
    • 5. The Sister Republics and France
      • Small nation, big sisters / Pierre Serna
      • The national dimension in the Batavian Revolution: Political discussions, institutions, and constitutions / Annie Jourdan
      • The constitutional debate in the Helvetic Republic in 1800-1801: Between French influence and national self-government / Antoine Broussy
      • An unwelcome Sister Republic: Re-reading political relations between the Cisalpine Republic and the French Directory / Antonino De Francesco
    • Bibliography
    • List of contributors
    • Notes
    • Index
