Two Missionary Accounts of Southeast Asia in the Late Seventeenth Century

Two Missionary Accounts of Southeast Asia in the Late Seventeenth Century

A Translation and Critical Edition of Guy Tachard’s Relation de Voyage aux Indes (1690–99) and Nicola Cima’s Relatione Distinta delli Regni di Siam, China, Tunchino, e Cocincina

This volume presents critical editions of two previously unpublished missionary accounts of Ayutthaya and the East Indies scene after the "National" Revolution of 1688 in Thailand: <i>Relation de Voyage aux Indes</i>, 1690-99, by Guy Tachard, a French Jesuit; and <i>Relatione Distinta delli Regni di Siam, China, Tunchino e Cocincina</i> (ca. 1707), by Nicola Cima, an Italian Augustinian. These interesting, substantial texts tell us a lot both about the Europeans who were writing them, and about Southeast Asia in a period when information was in much shorter supply than prior to 1688.
  • Cover
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Acknowledgements and Aids to Research
  • Brief Chronology of the Lives and Movements of Guy Tachard and Nicola Agustin Cima
  • Introduction
  • PART ONE: Presentation of Guy Tachard s.j., Relation de Voyage aux Indes (1690–99)
    • The Relation de Voyage aux Indes (1690–99)
    • Guy Tachard, A Travel Account to the Indies (Relation de Voyage aux Indes) 1690–99
  • PART TWO: Presentation of Nicola Cima, o.e.s.a. Relatione Distinta delli Regni di Siam, China, Tunchino, e Cocincina (ca. 1707)
    • The Relatione Distinta delli Regni di Siam, China, Tunchino, e Cocincina
    • A Distinct Report on the Kingdoms of Siam, China, Tonkin, and Cochinchina on the Part of Father Nicola Agostin Cima of the Order of Augustinians
  • Bibliography
  • Index



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