Imagining Communities

Imagining Communities

Historical Reflections on the Process of Community Formation

  • Autor: Blok, Gemma; Kuitenbrouwer, Vincent; Weeda, Claire
  • Editor: Amsterdam University Press
  • Colección: Heritage and Memory Studies
  • ISBN: 9789462980037
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048529162
  • Lugar de publicación:  Amsterdam , Holanda
  • Año de publicación digital: 2018
  • Mes: Julio
  • Páginas: 256
  • DDC: 307.09
  • Idioma: Ingles
In his groundbreaking Imagined Communities, first published in 1983, Benedict Anderson argued that members of a communityexperience a Ÿdeep, horizontal camaraderie.Œ Despite being strangers, members feel connected in a web of imagined experiences.Yet while Anderson’s insights have been hugely influential, they remain abstract: it is difficult to imagine imagined communities.How do they evolve and how is membership constructed cognitively, socially and culturally? How do individuals and communitiescontribute to group formation through the act of imagining? And what is the glue that holds communities together?Imagining Communities examines actual processes of experiencing the imagined community, exploring its emotive force in a number of case studies. Communal bonding is analysed, offering concrete insights on where and by whom the nation (or social group) is imagined and the role of individuals therein. Offering eleven empirical case studies, ranging from the premodern to the modern age, this volume looks at and beyond the nation and includes regional as well as transnational communities as well.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
    • Introduction
    • 1 Meanwhile in Messianic Time
    • 2 Diverse Origins and Shared Circumstances
    • 3 Imagining Europe
    • 4 Gypsy Music and the Fashioning of the National Community
    • 5 ‘Tired, Worried and Overworked’
    • 6 ‘From Heart to Heart’
    • 7 Indonesian Nationalism in the Netherlands, 1920s-1930s
    • 8 Time, Rhythm and Ritual
    • 9 Stamverwantschap and the Imagination of a White, Transnational Community
    • 10 ‘L’Oranie Cycliste, une grande famille’
    • 11 Remembering and Imagining the National Past
    • Index
  • List of Figures
    • Figure 3.1 Negotiating peace at the House of Nieuburch in Ryswick (1697).
    • Figure 3.2 Fireworks to celebrate the Peace of Ryswick of 1697.
    • Figure 5.1 Advertisement for dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the American newspaper The Caldwell Tribune, May 20 1899.
    • Figure 8.1 Reichsparteitag (Nazi Party rally) 1937 in Nûrnberg.
    • Figure 9.1 ‘The Dutch arrive: Jan van Riebeeck arrives at the Cape in the Drommedaris, with his family, staff and military personnel’, caption at one of the pictures in The festival in Pictures/Die Fees in Beeld that documented the many floats in the par
    • Figure 9.2 A group of newly arrived Dutch immigrants in Volendammer costume on their replica ship ‘De Toekomst’ (The Future), celebrating the landing of Jan van Riebeeck three centuries earlier in the city of Upington (Western Cape).
    • Figure 9.3 Replica of the Culemborg town square, built by Dutch immigrants, at the Van Riebeeck festival in Cape Town in april 1952.
    • Figure 10.1 Drinks (apéritif) at the last reunion (Rétrouvailles) in 2016.
    • Figure 10.2 Last issue of the magazine L’Oranie Cycliste April 19th 1962.


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