Indigenous and Black Confraternities in Colonial Latin America

Indigenous and Black Confraternities in Colonial Latin America

Negotiating Status through Religious Practices

Employing a transregional and interdisciplinary approach, this volume explores indigenous and black confraternities –or lay Catholic brotherhoods– founded in colonial Spanish America and Brazil between the sixteenth and eighteenth century. It presents a varied group of cases of religious confraternities founded by subaltern subjects, both in rural and urban spaces of colonial Latin America, to understand the dynamics and relations between the peripheral and central areas of colonial society, underlying the ways in which colonialized subjects navigated the colonial domain with forms of social organization and cultural and religious practices. The book analyzes indigenous and black confraternal cultural practices as forms of negotiation and resistance shaped by local devotional identities that also transgressed imperial religious and racial hierarchies. The analysis of these practices explores the intersections between ethnic identity and ritual devotion, as well as how the establishment of black and indigenous religious confraternities carried the potential to subvert colonial discourse.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Negotiating Status through Confraternal Practices
      • Javiera Jaque Hidalgo Miguel A. Valerio
  • Part I: Indigenous and Black Confraternities in New Spain
    • 1. Religious Autonomy and Local Religion among Indigenous Confraternities in Colonial Mexico, Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries
      • Laura Dierksmeier Universität Tübingen
    • 2. Confraternities of People of African Descent in Seventeenth-Century Mexico City
      • Cristina Verónica Masferrer León DEAS-INAH
    • 3. “Of All Type of Calidad or Color”
      • Black Confraternities in a Multiethnic Mexican Parish, 1640-1750
        • Krystle Farman Sweda Independent Scholar
  • Part II: Indigenous and Black Confraternities in Peru
    • 4. Confraternal “Collections”
      • Black and Indigenous Cofradías and the Curation of Religious Life in Colonial Lima
        • Ximena Gómez University of Massachusetts Amherst
    • 5. “Of Greater Dignity than the Negros”
      • Language and In-Group Distinctions within Early Afro-Peruvian Cofradías
        • Karen B. Graubart University of Notre Dame
    • 6. African-Descent Women and the Limits of Confraternal Devotion in Colonial Lima, Peru
      • Tamara J. Walker University of Toronto
    • 7. Glaciers, the Colonial Archive and the Brotherhood of the Lord of Quyllur Rit’i
      • Angelica Serna Jeri University of New Mexico
  • Part III: Indigenous Confraternities in the Southern Cone
    • 8. Immigrants’ Devotions
      • The Incorporation of Andean Amerindians in Santiago de Chile’s Confraternities in the Seventeenth Century
        • Jaime Valenzuela Márquez Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
    • 9. The Marian Cult as a Resistance Strategy
      • The Territorialized Construction of Devotions in the Province of Potosí, Charcas, in the Eighteenth Century
        • Candela De Luca IDIHCS/UNLP
    • 10. Between Excess and Pleasure
      • The Religious Festivals of the Indigenous People of Jujuy, Seventeenth-Nineteenth Centuries
        • Enrique Normando Cruz UE CISOR- CONICET and Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
        • Grit Kirstin Koeltzsch UE CISOR- CONICET and Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
  • Part IV: Black Brotherhoods in Brazil
    • 11. Black Brotherhoods in Colonial Brazil
      • Devotion and Solidarity
        • Célia Maia Borges Federal University of Juiz de Fora
    • 12. Cultural Resistance and Afro-Catholicism in Colonial Brazil
      • Marina de Mello e Souza University of Sao Paulo
    • 13. “Much to See and Admire”
      • Festivals, Parades, and Royal Pageantry among Afro-Bahian Brotherhoods in the Eighteenth Century
        • Lucilene Reginaldo University of Campinas
    • Afterword
      • Indigenous and Black Confraternities in Colonial Latin America
        • Nicole von Germeten Oregon State University
  • Bibliography
  • Contributors
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index


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