Cultural Policy in the Polder

Cultural Policy in the Polder

25 Years Dutch Cultural Policy Act

  • Autor: van Meerkerk, Edwin; van den Hoogen, Quirijn Lennert
  • Editor: Amsterdam University Press
  • ISBN: 9789462986251
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048537471
  • Lugar de publicación:  Amsterdam , Holanda
  • Año de publicación digital: 2018
  • Mes: Agosto
  • Páginas: 324
  • Idioma: Ingles
At the occasion of the 25 anniversary of the Dutch Cultural Policy Act, Dutch academics in cultural policy research have compiled a volume to commemorate the quarter century in which Dutch cultural policy has developed and analyse the key debates in Dutch cultural policy for the coming years.Historically, central public authority in the Netherlands has been problematic. The country's origin as a confederation of seven independent republics, has had effect in the sense that government usually works 'bottom up'. As a result the Netherlands has relatively few national cultural institutions when compared to other countries. Moreover, the national media never have been linked to the nation state. It is therefore surprising that the nation's cultural policy can be described as a national system in which the nation state sets the agenda rather than cities and regions.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • An Introduction to Cultural Policy in the Polder
    • Edwin van Meerkerk and Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen
  • A Well-Balanced Cultural Policy
    • An Interview with Minister of Culture Ingrid van Engelshoven
      • Marielle Hendriks
  • 1. Legal Aspects of Cultural Policy
    • Inge van der Vlies
  • 2. An International Perspective on Dutch Cultural Policy
    • Toine Minnaert
  • ‘A Subsidy to Make a Significant Step Upwards’
    • An Interview with Arjo Klingens
      • André Nuchelmans
  • 3. The Framing Game
    • Towards Deprovincialising Dutch Cultural Policy
      • Johan Kolsteeg1
  • 4. Values in Cultural Policymaking
    • Political Values and Policy Advice
      • Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen and Florine Jonker1
  • An Exercise in Undogmatic Thinking
    • An Interview with Gable Roelofsen
      • Bjorn Schrijen
  • 5. Towards a Cultural Policy of Trust
    • The Dutch Approach from the Perspective of a Transnational Civil Domain
      • Thijs Lijster, Hanka Otte and Pascal Gielen
  • 6. Dutch Media Policy
    • Towards the End of Reflective Diversity?
      • Erik Hitters
  • ‘A More Holistic Approach to Problems’
    • An Interview with Hans Poll and Jacqueline Roelofs
      • Jack van der Leden
  • 7. Cultural Education Policy
    • Its Justification and Organisation
      • Teunis IJdens and Edwin van Meerkerk
  • 8. Culture for Everyone
    • The Value and Feasibility of Stimulating Cultural Participation
      • Koen van Eijck
  • ‘A Strong Field Needs Variation and Experimentation’
    • An Interview with Saskia Bak
      • Rogier Brom
  • 9. The People’s Palaces
    • Public Libraries in the Information Society
      • Frank Huysmans and Marjolein Oomes
  • 10. Cultural Policy at a Crossroads?
    • How the Matthew Effect, New Sociocultural Oppositions and Digitalisation Challenge Dutch National Cultural Policy1
      • Erik Schrijvers
  • ‘Production is Preceded by Talent Development’
    • An Interview with Sandra den Hamer
      • Kimberly van Aart
  • Epilogue: A Systemic View of Dutch Cultural Policy in the Next 25 Years
    • Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen and Edwin van Meerkerk1
  • Overview of Dutch Ministers of / Secretaries for Culture and their most important cultural policy documents
  • Appendix
    • Facts and Figures on Culture and Cultural Policy in the Netherlands
      • Kimberly van Aart, Rogier Brom, Bjorn Schrijen ‒ Boekman Foundation Thijs Hermsen ‒ Humanities Lab, Faculty of Arts, Radboud University
  • Authors’ Biographies
  • Index
  • List of Tables and Figures
    • Figure 4.1: Distribution of values in cultural policy documents
    • Figure 4.2: Distribution of values in advice by Council for Culture
    • Table 4.1. Ranking of values in the interviews with committee members of the Council for Culture
    • Figure 4.3: Evaluation of the policy plans of theatre companies by the Council for Culture
    • Figure 4.4: Possible evaluation of the policy plans under ‘embedded autonomy’
    • Table 8.1: Trends in passive cultural participation in the Netherlands, 2006-2014 (% of the population who attended at least once in the preceding 12 months)
    • Table 8.2: Trends in active cultural participation in the Netherlands, 2005-2015
    • Figure 9.1: Expansion of the Dutch public library system (in millions)
    • Table 9.1: Income of Dutch public library organisations, 2005-2016 (in millions of Euros)
    • Figure 1: Population density in the Netherlands in 20171
    • Figure 2: Share of inhabitants with a non-Western foreign background in total population in 20172
    • Table 3: Number of municipalities in the Netherlands, 1900-20163
    • Table 4: Government expenditures on cultural services in 1995-2016 (in million euros)4
    • Table 5: Number of institutions subsidised on a long-term basis by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and national funds for culture in 2009-20206
    • Figure 6: Overview of institutions in the Basic Infrastructure for Culture (BIS) in 20179
    • Figure 7: Overview of institutions receiving long-term funding from national funds for culture in 201710
    • Figure 8: Share of cultural sectors in BIS subsidies in 2017-2020 (in million euros)11
    • Figure 9: Share of performing arts subsectors in performing arts BIS subsidies in 2017-2020 (in million euros)12
    • Table 10: Share of national budget for culture in total national budget in 1993-2015 (in %)13
    • Table 11: Expenditures on cultural services of general government levels in the Netherlands, in surrounding countries and in the European Union in 201614
    • Figure 12: Share of self-generated income in cultural sectors in the Netherlands in 2015 (in %)17
    • Figure 13: Overview of museums in 201618
    • Figure 14: Overview of members of the Association for Theatre and Concert Hall Directors (VSCD) on 1 January 201819
    • Figure 15: Overview of members of the Association for Pop Music Venues and Festivals (VNPF) on 1 January 201820
    • Figure 16: Overview of built, non-archaeological national monuments on 31 December 201721
    • Table 17: Labour market in the arts and cultural heritage sector in 2005-201622
    • Table 18: Active and receptive cultural participation from April 2016-April 201725
    • Figure 19: Market shares of public and commercial television channels in total television ratings in 201726
    • Figure 20: Donations to culture from households, bequests, funds, companies and charity lotteries in 1997-2015 (adjusted for inflation, based on the price level of 2015, in million euros)27
    • Table 21: Donations to culture via crowdfunding platform in 2015-2017, adjusted for inflation, based on the price level of 201528
    • Figure 22: Share of cultural sectors in donations to culture via crowdfunding platform in 2017 (in euros)29
    • Table 23: Volunteers in museums, libraries and performing arts venues in 2005-201630



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