Polyphonies of the body in professional training

Polyphonies of the body in professional training

And the wave travels further

  • Author: Viáfara Sandoval, Hárold; Pérez Muñoz, María Cristina; Parra Hinojosa, Sandra (eds.)
  • Publisher: Editorial Bonaventuriana
  • Serie: Educación
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789585451621
  • Place of publication:  Bogotá , Colombia
  • Year of digital publication: 2020
  • Pages: 145

This book is an approach to the sphere of the body from different disciplinary perspectives. For this, a dialogue is necessary, not to unify the concept, but to have the possibility of meeting and moving around different fields of knowledge. This to give meaning to what has been done over time and structure a system of consensus, dissent, and networks in a discourse-practice that has been marginal in the local space. In this encounter, it can be observed that there is no attribute of the body that allows us to speak of it as a whole nor a nature that informs us of a purpose. The body is constructed and this construction refers to a use, a need, and an experience. But on many occasions, its construction has been left aside in some areas of training, without giving it the importance it deserves. I invite the readers to delight in this new wave, in which we can see views from perspectives such as sport, health, disability, education, and art. Winding, undulating movements that have been based on academic reflections, projects, and research by friends and colleagues who have joined these dialogues today and seek to unravel and decant the mysteries of the body, how they perceive it, assume it and it is constitutive of the subject.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contenido
  • Preface
  • Presentation
  • Wave one, Bodies and the difference
    • Bodies and Disability. The abnormal body and the processes of formation
    • The body beyond what is tangible: dissertations about the function-dysfunction dilemma
      • Introduction
      • Development
      • Essentialist Paradigm
      • Materialist Paradigm
      • Postmodern Paradigm
      • Conclusion
    • Art in Signs - From the body to culture
      • Body
      • Culture
      • Art
      • The Workshop
      • Conclusion
  • Wave two, Bodies, Institutions and training
    • Training a body technologically
    • Contrasts of the perception of being healthy and body mass index by age and gender, in secondary school adolescents from an educational institution in the city of Cali
      • Introduction
      • Some conceptual considerations
      • Method
      • Results
      • Body mass index by age (BMI / age)
      • Description in frequencies and percentages in relation to the question “How do you think you are healthy?”
        • Analysis of the perception of how you feel or think you are healthy and the BMI / EDADVV percentile classification
      • Conclusions
    • Well-being in the quality of higher education: a first approach to Colombian students’ power over the body
      • Introduction
      • 1. Is awareness about body care beginning in Colombian universities?
      • 2. Does the quality of higher education take into account the student’s body for its continuous improvement?
      • 3. Is the discourse of higher education on university welfare a condition of the institution or fulfillment of the norm?
      • Final reflections
    • Is there polyphony of the body in the academic training of the students of the professional sports program of Escuela Nacional del Deporte?
      • Education and body
      • Introduction
      • Conclusions
  • Wave three, Teaching through the body
    • From the score to the action; from the action to the score. Contributions of the musical grammar to the construction of a scenic grammar
      • The actor’s body as a trigger for the communicative effect on the viewer
      • Objective
      • Background
      • Development
        • Focus group 1: Action Lab II (Fine Arts)
        • Focus group 2: Acting Lab III (Fine Arts)
        • Phase 1: from the score to the action
        • Phase 2: from the action to the score
      • Where does the melody of the body go?
      • Conclusion. Some findings along the way
    • Mathematics in motion
      • Introduction
      • Learning through the body
      • Methodology
        • Phase I. Diagnosis
        • Phase II. Planning
        • Phase III. Development and implementation
        • Phase IV. Evidence and results
      • Conclusión
  • Wave four, Building the file
    • Input to some documents to approach studies on education, body and physical education practices
      • Studies on education, body and practice of physical education
      • Works of general theoretical referents
      • Hygienism, medicalization, nutrition
      • Body practices and physical education
      • School doctor and school Red Cross
      • Food, consumption and aesthetics
      • The Body and educational institutions
      • Studies on pedagogy and education
      • Journeys of the Group of Studies on Bodies and Education (GESCE)
      • Personal (Corporal) milestones
        • Hygienist Period
        • Biomedical Period
        • Period of Body improvement
        • Period of technological instrumentalization: technology as part of the body
        • Period of body design
    • Features of construction of a methodology
      • Constitution of the file
      • Instrumentation of discursive registers
      • Moment of dispersion
      • Delimitation moment
  • Slaves of the surgery room
  • Bibliographic References
    • Preface and Presentation
    • Wave one
      • Bodies and the difference
    • Wave two
      • Bodies, institutions and Training
      • Web References
    • Wave three
      • Teaching through the body
    • Wave four
      • Building the file
      • Web References


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