Advances and Commercial Geography

Advances and Commercial Geography

Prospects, Methods and Aplications

  • Author: Garrocho, Carlos (ed.)
  • Publisher: El Colegio Mexiquense
  • ISBN: 9786077761495
  • eISBN Epub: 9786078509324
  • Place of publication:  Mexico
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Pages: 270

For the first time meet in a publication, the leading exponents of contemporary geography as Brian J. L. Berry, Neil Wrigley, Richard Shearmur, Luc Anselin and Jim Simmons in order to analyze the past, present and future of geography applied to commercial and service activities. Also involved prominent Mexican scholars as Carlos Garrocho, José Antonio Álvarez Lobato, Tania Chavez and Flores Zochitl who address the context of urban structures, linked to advances in spatial analysis, oriented tertiary activities in the intra-urban space, particularly in Mexican cities.


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