Multiple Perspectives on the Study of Life

Multiple Perspectives on the Study of Life

Biopolitics, Bioethics, Aesthetics

  • Autor: Lema Habash, Nicolas; Chirolla Ospina, Gustavo
  • Editor: Universidad El Bosque
  • Colección: Bioética
  • ISBN: 9789587394368
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789587394375
  • Lugar de publicación:  Bogotá , Colombia
  • Año de publicación: 2024
  • Páginas: 279

The infinite multiplicity of existing life forms calls for equally multiple approaches to studying the living. However, no approach will ever be capable of exhausting the various perspectives required for research on life. This impossibility is not only given by the unmanageable task of establishing an infinitely multidisciplinary approach but also by the diverse and ever-changing subject matters that can potentially fall under the category of the living. This book is nevertheless an e ort in that direction: acknowledging a multiplicity of ways in which life forms may be studied, and a diversity of disciplinary perspectives suited for this task.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Introduction: Multiplicity. Life. Politics, Nicolas Lema Habash and Gustavo Chirolla Ospina
  • Part 1: Technics, Art, and Politics: Aesthetic Forms of Life
    • Chapter 1: Scientific drawing and the microcosm: A cross-pollination, Iglika Christova
    • Chapter 2: Music in technopolis: Correlates of communicative practices mediated by music between living beings and machines, Boris Julián Pinto Bustamante
    • Chapter 3: Art and the question of alienated life: Marx, Adorno-Horkheimer and Godard, Pierre-Ulysse Barranque
    • Chapter 4: Imagination and the modern world: Between an impoverished experience of life and an aesthetics of liberation, Cyprien Coste
    • Chapter 5: Art reduced to its hedonic function by neuroscience, to the detriment of social issues, Donna Jung
  • Part 2: The Problem of Nature: Between Biopolitics and Bioethics
    • Chapter 6: Exploitation and domination of nature: Adorno as critic of Marx, Agnès Grivaux
    • Chapter 7: The alive and the living: Between bíos and zoé, Jorge Eliécer Martínez
    • Chapter 8: Rhizome, symbiogenesis, and the living deterritorialization of the human: Deleuze-Guattari and Lynn Margulis, Gustavo Chirolla Ospina
    • Chapter 9: Innovative drugs for cancer: The Colombian case, Constanza Ovalle Gómez and Nuria Homedes


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