The eternity of change

The eternity of change

Adaptation and legal-institutional reform in situations of redefinition of the State in Spain (1476-1917)

  • Autor: Fernández Rodríguez, Manuela
  • Editor: Dykinson
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788410702981
  • Lugar de publicación:  Madrid , España
  • Año de publicación: 2024
  • Páginas: 178

This book is a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of laws and institutions in Spain from the reign of the Catholic Monarchs to the dawn of the twentieth century, delving into the rich history of a country that has undergone major transformations over the centuries.The first chapters focus on the transition from medieval to modern times, a period marked by the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. The War of the Castilian Succession, the peace treaties with Portugal and the incorporation of the Kingdom of Granada are examined in depth. This analysis is not limited to historical facts, but also addresses the military, administrative and cultural consequences of these events.An intermediate chapter deals with dynastic changes and the religious paradigm in the 18th century.The last part deals with the 19th and early 20th centuries. It describes the process of the restoration of the Ancien Régime and the very important consequences this had in terms of the preservation of public order. Then, from a liberal perspective, the integration of revolutionary myths into the institutions of the time is exemplified. This part culminates with a detailed study of the liberal revolts and late absolutism, providing a unique insight into this tumultuous period of Spanish history.It closes with an analysis of the crisis of the turnist system of the Restoration, the effects of the First World War in Spain and the phenomenon of military juntism, which provides a valuable insight into the challenges and changes that Spain faced during this period.Manuela Fernández Rodríguez is a tenured lecturer at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the area of History of Law and Institutions.Among the lines of research she has worked on throughout her academic career are those related to security, public order and the enjoyment of rights and freedoms in contemporary times. Most of her publications focus on the Spanish field, although she is also well versed in the institutional framework of the European Union and gamification, as co-director of the Master’s Degree on Gamification, Game-based Learning and Serious Games at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Index
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I. Overcoming the medieval: the foundations of the reign of isabella and ferdinand
    • 1.- The Nature of the War of Succession
    • 2.- The End of the War
    • 3.- The Hispanic-Portuguese Peace
    • 4.- The Real Forgiveness
    • 5.- The Tercerías of Moura and Juana
    • 6.- Alcaçobas and Tordesillas
    • 7.- The Courts of Madrigal
    • 8.- The Courts of Toledo and the War
    • 9.- Justice Reform
    • 10.- The Restitution of the Royal Patrimony
    • 11.- Fiscal policy
  • Chapter II. The legal challenges of the incorporation of granada: state liquidation and cultural assimilation
    • 1.- The Capitulations and their Application
    • 2.- Military Consequences
    • 3. The Administration of the New Kingdom
    • 4.- The Repopulation and the Conversion Process
    • 5.- The New Frontier with Islam: Africa
    • 6.- The Disappearance of the Legal World of the Frontier of Granada
    • 7.- The Granada Revolts from 1499 to 1501
  • Chapter III. Dynastic change and religious paradigm in the 18th century
    • 1.- The Inquisition at the Turn of the Century and the Succession Conflict
    • 2.- Positioning for Conflic
    • 3.- Functional Issues
    • 4.- Censorship
    • 5.- Conclusions
  • Chapter IV. The awakening of a dream: the fernandine reinstallation of the old regime
    • 1.- Political Repression after the Return of Ferdinand VII
    • 2.- Combating Common Delinquency
    • 3.- Political Delinquency at the Beginning of the Century
    • 4.- Praetorianism and its Manifestations between 1814 and 1820
  • Chapter V. The conflictive integration ofrevolutionary myths into institutionalframeworks: riego and the liberaltriennium
    • 1.- Rafael del Riego, National Hero
    • 2.- Uncertainty within the Army. The Riots of March, 1820
    • 3. Disintegration of the Ejército de la Isla Troops
    • 4.- The Trigger of Riego’s Doom
    • 5.- Riego in Madrid
  • Chapter VI. The legal-institutional forms of late absolutism
    • 1.- The Ominous Decade. First Measures
    • 2.- The Voluntarios Realistas
    • 3.- Repression in the Ominous Decade
    • 4.- Changes in the Application of the Death Penalty
    • 5.- Apostolic and Agraviados
    • 6.- The Liberal Revolts
    • 7.- Infiltrators and Confidant
    • 8.- The Struggle between the Military and the Administration in Relation to Public Order
  • Chapter VII. The exhaustion of tournism and the drift of the post-elisabellian state
    • 1.- The Seeds of the Crisis
    • 2.- World War I and its Effects in Spain
    • 3. First Symptoms: General Strikes, Military Juntism and the Bour- geoise Revolution
    • 4.- August of 1917 and its Consequences
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography


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