This comprehensive, highly readable handbook simplifies the sometimes complex aspects of day-to-day life in China. Based on the experience of Americans who have recently studied, done research, and taught there, China Bound gives the invaluable "inside" information that only those who have been there can provide. Written primarily for students, scholars, and teachers, the book describes Chinese academic life and work and how Americans can fit into it. And, because it covers such a broad spectrum of topics—from customs regulations, taxation, and medical care to hotel life and how to get laundry done—China Bound is also must reading for anyone who is already planning or just trying to decide whether to plan an extended visit to China. Academic Library Book Review states, "China Bound is one of those books that is absolutely essential."
- Cover
- Front Matter
- 1. Opportunities for Research, Study, and Teaching in China
- 2. Preparing for the Trip
- 3. Settling In
- 4. Research and Study
- 5. Teaching
- 6. Services Available
- 7. Leaving China
- Appendixes
- A. Interinstitutional Agreements between U.S. and PRC Institutions
- B. Regulations Concerning the Admission of Foreign Students in Chinese Schools (1986)
- C. Regulations Governing Grants to Foreign Scholarship Students and Fees for Self-Financing Foreign Students (February 1, 1985)
- D. Regulations Concerning Applications by Foreign Research Scholars to Engage in Scientific Research in Institutions of Higher Education in China (September 1985)
- E. Information on the Recruitment of Foreign Experts (1985)
- F. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Investigators in the United States
- G. Approximate Costs of Hotel Rooms and Food, Internal Travel, Services, and Clothing
- H. Selected Information on Postal and Customs Regulations of the People's Republic of China
- I. Sample Contract for Teachers (July 1985)
- J. Protocol between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China for Cooperation in Educational Exchanges
- K. Locations of U.S. Educational Reference Collections in China and Their General Reference Contents
- L. Selected Reading List
- Index