The Chemical Sciences Roundtable provides a forum for discussing chemically related issues affecting government, industry and government. The goal is to strengthen the chemical sciences by foster communication among all the important stakeholders. At a recent Roundtable meeting, information technology was identified as an issue of increasing importance to all sectors of the chemical enterprise. This book is the result of a workshop convened to explore this topic.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Summary
- 1 The Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative
- 2 Software Development for Computational Chemistry: Does Anything Remain to Be Done?
- 3 Recent Advances in Computational Thermochemistry and Challenges for the Future
- Session 1 Panel Disussion
- 4 The Role of Computational Biology in the Genomics Revolution
- 5 Needs and New Directions in Computing for the Chemical Process Industries
- 6 Vision 2020: Computational Needs of the Chemical Industry
- Session 2 Panel Discussion
- 7 Collaboratory Life: Challenges of Internet-mediated Science for Chemists
- 8 A Computer Science Perspective on Computing for the Chemical Sciences
- 9 Collaboratories: Building Electronic Scientific Communities
- 10 The World Wide Laboratory: Remote and Automated Access to Imaging Instrumentation
- 11 The Wired Laboratory
- Session 3 Panel Discussion
- 12 Chemical Data in the
- 13 The Digital Library: An Integrated System for Scholarly Communication
- 14 Electronic Journal Publishing at the American Chemical Society
- Session 4 Panel Discussion
- A List of Workshop Participants
- B Origin of and Information on the Chemical Sciences Rountable