Americans have adopted a reform agenda for their schools that calls for excellence in teaching and learning. School officials across the nation are hard at work targeting instruction at high levels for all students. Gaps remain, however, between the nation's educational aspirations and student achievement. To address these gaps, policy makers have recently focused on the qualifications of teachers and the preparation of teacher candidates.
This book examines the appropriateness and technical quality of teacher licensure tests currently in use, evaluates the merits of using licensure test results to hold states and institutions of higher education accountable for the quality of teacher preparation and licensure, and suggests alternatives for developing and assessing beginning teacher competence.
Teaching is a complex activity. Definitions of quality teaching have changed and will continue to change over time as society's values change. This book provides policy makers, teacher testers, and teacher educators with advice on how to use current tests to assess teacher candidates and evaluate teacher preparation, ensuring that America's youth are being taught by the most qualified candidates.
- Front Matter
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- Executive Summary
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Defining Teacher Quality
- 3 Testing and Licensing Beginning Teachers
- 4 Developing an Evaluation Framework for Teacher Licensure Tests
- 5 Evaluating Current Tests
- 6 Using Licensure Tests to Improve Teacher Quality and Supply
- 7 Using Licensure Tests for Accountability
- 8 Improving Teacher Licensure Testing
- 9 Conclusions and Recommendations
- References
- Appendix A Public Law 105-244 105th Congress
- Appendix B Teaching Standards of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), and National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
- Appendix C Educational Testing Service (ETS) and National Evaluation Systems (NES) Teacher Licensure Tests
- Appendix D Teacher Requirements in Six States
- Appendix E An Economic Model of Supply and Demand for Teachers
- Appendix F Alternative Assessment Case Studies
- Appendix G Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
- Index
- Test 1 Preprofessional Skills Test (PPST): Reading Test*
- Test 2 Principles of Learning and Teaching Test (PLT): K-6*
- Test 3 Middle School: English/Language Arts Test*
- Test 4 High School Mathematics Proofs, Models, and Problems Part 1 Test*
- Test 5 Biology: Content Knowledge, Part 1 and 2 Tests*