The report assesses the current state of chemistry and chemical engineering at the interface with environmental science, examines its interactions with related areas of science and technology, and identifies challenges and opportunities for research. The report also identifies important contributions that have been made by the chemical sciences toward solving environmental problems, and emphasizes the opportunities for chemists and chemical engineers to make future contributions toward understanding and improving the environment.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Executive Summary
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Successes and Discoveries in Environmental Chemical Science
- 3 Challenges in Environmental Chemical Science
- 4 Conclusions and Key Opportunities
- Appendix A: Statement of Task
- Appendix B: Biographies of the Organizing Committee Members
- Appendix C: Workshop Agenda
- Appendix D: Workshop Presentations
- Appendix E: Biographies of Workshop Speakers
- Appendix F: Workshop Participants
- Appendix G: Reports from Breakout Session Groups
- Appendix H: List of Acronyms