The announcement of a hydrogen fuel initiative in the President's 2003 State of the Union speech substantially increased interest in the potential for hydrogen to play a major role in the nation's long-term energy future. Prior to that event, DOE asked the National Research Council to examine key technical issues about the hydrogen economy to assist in the development of its hydrogen R&D program. Included in the assessment were the current state of technology; future cost estimates; CO2 emissions; distribution, storage, and end use considerations; and the DOE RD&D program. The report provides an assessment of hydrogen as a fuel in the nation's future energy economy and describes a number of important challenges that must be overcome if it is to make a major energy contribution. Topics covered include the hydrogen end-use technologies, transportation, hydrogen production technologies, and transition issues for hydrogen in vehicles.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. A Framework for Thinking About the Hydrogen Economy
- 3. The Demand Side: Hydrogen End-Use Technologies
- 4. Transportation, Distribution, and Storage of Hydrogen
- 5. Supply Chains for Hydrogen and Estimated Costs of Hydrogen Supply
- 6. Implications of a Transitionto Hydrogen in Vehicles for the U.S. Energy System
- 7. Carbon Capture and Storage
- 8. Hydrogen Production Technologies
- 9. Crosscutting Issues
- 10. Major Messages of the Report
- References
- Appendix A: Biographies of Committee Members
- Appendix B: Letter Report
- Appendix C: DOE Hydrogen Program Budget
- Appendix D: Presentations and Committee Meetings
- Appendix E: Spreadsheet Data from Hydrogen Supply Chain Cost Analyses
- Appendix F: U.S. Energy Systems
- Appendix G: Hydrogen Production Technologies: Additional Discussion
- Appendix H: Useful Conversions and Thermodynamic Properties