In the aftermath of catastrophes, it is common to find prior indicators, missed signals, and dismissed alerts that, had they been recognized and appropriately managed before the event, could have resulted in the undesired event being averted. These indicators are typically called "precursors." Accident Precursor Analysis and Management: Reducing Technological Risk Through Diligence documents various industrial and academic approaches to detecting, analyzing, and benefiting from accident precursors and examines public-sector and private-sector roles in the collection and use of precursor information. The book includes the analysis, findings and recommendations of the authoring NAE committee as well as eleven individually authored background papers on the opportunity of precursor analysis and management, risk assessment, risk management, and linking risk assessment and management.
- FrontMatter
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Review Process
- Contents
- Section I Committee Summary Report
- The Accident Precursors Project: Overview and Recommendations
- Section II Keynote Speakers
- The Opportunity of Precursors--JAMES P. BAGIAN
- On Signals, Response, and Risk Mitigation: A Probabilistic Approach to the Detection and Analysis of Precursors--ELISABETH PATÉ-CORNELL
- Section III Risk Assessment
- Understanding Accident Precursors--MICHAL TAMUZ
- Defining and Analyzing Precursors--WILLIAM R. CORCORAN
- Nuclear Accident Precursor Assessment: The Accident Sequence Precursor Program--MARTIN B. SATTISON
- Section IV Risk Management
- Inherently Safer Design--DENNIS C. HENDERSHOT
- Checking for Biases in Incident Reporting--TJERK VAN DER SCHAAF and LISETTE KANSE
- Knowledge Management in High-Hazard Industries: Accident Precursors as Practice--JOHN S. CARROLL
- Section V Linking Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- Cross-Industry Applications of a Confidential Reporting Model--LINDA J. CONNELL
- Stuck on a Plateau: A Common Problem--CHRISTOPHER A. HART
- Ensuring Robust Military Operations and Combating Terrorism Using Accident Precursor Concepts--YACOV Y. HAIMES
- Appendix A Letters to the Committee
- Notes toward a Theory of Accident Precursors and Catastrophic System Failure--ROBERT A. FROSCH
- Corporate Cultures as Precursors to Accidents--RON WESTRUM
- Appendix B Workshop Agenda
- Appendix C Workshop Participants
- Appendix D A Note on Definitions
- Appendix E Biographies of Authors
- Appendix F Biographies of Committee Members