The development of transistors, the integrated circuit, liquid-crystal displays, and even DVD players can be traced back to fundamental research pioneered in the field of condensed-matter and materials physics (CMPP). The United States has been a leader in the field, but that status is now in jeopardy. Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics, part of the Physics 2010 decadal survey project, assesses the present state of the field in the United States, examines possible directions for the 21st century, offers a set of scientific challenges for American researchers to tackle, and makes recommendations for effective spending of federal funds. This book maintains that the field of CMPP is certain to be principle to both scientific and economic advances over the next decade and the lack of an achievable plan would leave the United States behind. This book's discussion of the intellectual and technological challenges of the coming decade centers around six grand challenges concerning energy demand, the physics of life, information technology, nanotechnology, complex phenomena, and behavior far from equilibrium. Policy makers, university administrators, industry research and development executives dependent upon developments in CMPP, and scientists working in the field will find this book of interest.
- FrontMatter
- Preface
- Acknowledgment of Reviewers
- Contents
- Summary
- 1 Overview
- 2 How Do Complex Phenomena Emerge from Simple Ingredients?
- 3 How Will the Energy Demands of Future Generations Be Met?
- 4 What Is the Physics of Life?
- 5 What Happens Far from Equilibrium and Why?
- 6 What New Discoveries Await Us in the Nanoworld?
- 7 How Will the Information Technology Revolution Be Extended?
- 8 The Impact of Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics Research
- 9 Industrial Laboratories and Research in Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics
- 10 Structure and Level of the Current Research Effort
- 11 Tools, Instrumentation, and Facilities for Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics Research
- Concluding Remarks
- Appendixes
- Appendix A: Statement of Task
- Appendix B: Agendas of Committee Meetings
- Appendix C: Agenda and Participants at Facilities Workshop
- Appendix D: Biographies of Committee Members