Police Training to Promote the Rule of Law and Protect the Population

Police Training to Promote the Rule of Law and Protect the Population

  • Publisher: National Academies Press
  • ISBN: 9780309277518
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780309277525
  • eISBN Epub: 9780309277549
  • Place of publication:  United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2022
  • Month: October
  • Pages: 103
  • Language: English

Training police in the knowledge and skills necessary to support the rule of law and protect the public is a substantial component of the activities of international organizations that provide foreign assistance. Significant challenges with such training activities arise with the wide range of cultural, institutional, political, and social contexts across countries. In addition, foreign assistance donors often have to leverage programs and capacity in their own countries to provide training in partner countries, and there are many examples of training, including in the United States, that do not rely on the best scientific evidence of policing practices and training design. Studies have shown disconnects between the reported goals of training, notably that of protecting the population, and actual behaviors by police officers. These realities present a diversity of challenges and opportunities for foreign assistance donors and police training.

At the request of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, the Committee on Law and Justice of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examined scientific evidence and assessed research needs for effective policing in the context of the challenges above. This report, the second in a series of five, responds to the following questions: What are the core knowledge and skills needed for police to promote the rule of law and protect the population? What is known about mechanisms (e.g., basic and continuing education or other capacity building programs) for developing the core skills needed for police to promote the rule of law and protect the population?

  • Cover
  • Front Matter
  • Summary
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Reform-based Training
  • 3 Knowledge and Skills for Policing
  • 4 Training Methods and Delivery
  • 5 Committee Conclusions
  • References
  • Appendix: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members and Staff



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