The Orchidaceae of Ruiz & Pavón’s “Flora Peruviana et Chilensis”. A taxonomic study. II. Populin, Franco
Potamogeton schweinfurthiiin the Iberian Peninsula. Aymerich, P., Kaplan, Z., Guardiola, M., Petit, A. & Schwarzer, Udo
Acacia cyclopsA. Cunn. ex G. Don (Leguminosae) in Italy:first cases of naturalization. Pasta, S., Badalamenti, E. & La Mantia, T.
Ethesia tanquana(Ornithogaloideae, Hyacinthaceae), a new species from the Tanqua Karoo (South Africa), with notes on E. Haalenbergensis. Martínez-Azorín, M. & Crespo, M.B
A new species of Silenesect. Dipterosperma(Caryophyllaceae) from Sicily. Brullo, C., Brullo, S., Giusso del Galdo, G., Ilardi, V. & Sciandrello, S
Check-list of microscopic protosteloid amoebae from the Southwest of Europe. Aguilar, M. & Lado, C.
Ophrys × castroviejoi(Orchidaceae), nuevo híbrido para España. Serra Laliga, Ll. & Soler, J.X.
Burmeistera minutiflora(Campanulaceae-Lobelioideae), a newspecies from the high Andes of Antioquia (Colombia) with the smallest flowers in the genus. Garzón Venegas, J., González, F. & Vélez Puerta, J.M
Reproductive phenology of three species of Gelidiales (Rhodophyta)in two macroalgal communities from Tenerife (Atlantic Ocean, Canary Islands, Spain). Polifrone, M., Gil-Rodríguez, M.C., Domínguez Álvarez, S., Stroobant, M. & Viera-Rodríguez, M.A.
Does Tamarix dalmatica(Tamaricaceae) occur in Spain?. Villar, J.L., Alonso, M.A., Juan, A. & Crespo, M.B
Novedades en Centronia y Meriania(Merianieae, Melastomataceae) y revisión taxonómica de Merianiagrupo brachycera. Mendoza-Cifuentes, H. & Fernández-Alonso, J.L.