Like Taxes: Marching Through Gaul

Like Taxes: Marching Through Gaul

"Like Taxes, by David Craig, is an impressive book. In an age dominated by the secular and characterized by the pretentious and trivial, we are fortunate to have a book so rooted in authentic experience, and serious concern. Craig is eager for the fullness of the religious experience, but he does not let himself be deceived by the superficially religious. He is a subtle enough theologian to know that God hides in strange places, and reveals Himself as He wills, not as mortals might imagine. The best way to encounter Him is to get on with your lifedriving a cab, talking with friends, eating supper and staying as alert as the hunter is for the deer. These are the hunter's poems." -Howard McCord

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • List of titles of poems Sun
    • New York in Broad Daylight
    • Young Monk
    • ...the praise which is
    • Where the Houses Lean to Greet You
    • Speaking Dog
    • Taxi 2
    • Parked Taxi
    • 33rd Brithday Poem
    • Sealed Days
    • Cleveland
    • Persecution
    • Second Coming
    • Repentance
    • Hide and Seek
    • Our Father
    • Hyperbole
    • Once
    • Versailles
  • Moon
    • Psalm #42
    • Winter
    • Christmas Night Cab Stand
    • Marion Sector
    • Room
    • Joseph in the Dungeon
    • Gethsemani
    • Litany
    • "Christ Bearing the Cross" by El Greco
    • Pastoral
    • Mulberry Leaves
    • Poem Begun While Listening to Beethoven's EROICA
    • Downtown Steubenville
    • Linda
    • For Paige
    • A Sick Man's Hands
    • Nursing Home, 3rd Shift
    • For McVey, in the Wake of Her Murderer Lover
    • Photograph
    • The Dance
  • The Apprentice
    • Becoming Apprentice
    • Inviting Winter
    • Christmas with Ed and the Remote Control
    • The Apprentice is Amazed
    • The Apprentice Rejoices
    • The Apprentice Wavers
    • Apprentice as Columbo
    • The Apprentice Eats Glass
    • The Apprentice Sees Himself in the Sunset
    • Graceful Exit
    • The Apprentice Considers Fleas
    • Stop the Murder
    • New Age
    • A Capella
    • The Apprentice in His Groove
    • An Apprentice Goes to a Prayer Meeting
    • The Apprentice Prophecies
    • The Apprentice Considers his Addiction
    • The Apprentice Muses Matrimonial
    • The Fire on the Mountain
    • The Apprentice Counsels a Not-so-Young Rilke
    • The Apprentice Speaks of Retirement
  • About the Author
  • Howard McCord on LIKE TAXES



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