Folk treasures of Mexico : the Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection

Folk treasures of Mexico : the Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection

  • Autor: Oettinger Jr., Marion
  • Editor: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558855953
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611921496
  • Lugar de publicación:  Houston , Estados Unidos
  • Año de publicación: 2010
  • Páginas: 234

In his foreword, former New York governor and vice president of the United States Nelson A. Rockefeller remembers his first trip to Mexico in 1933 and his subsequent, life-long fascination with the Mexican people and their popular art.
Rockefeller’s collection of more than 3,000 pieces of Mexican folk art is widely considered to be the most exceptional in the U.S., and Folk Treasures of Mexico celebrates these icons—created from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries—with more than 150 photos of the pieces, many of which are quite rare.
Oettinger describes the objects according to function: utilitarian, ceremonial, decorative, or for play. Among the many noteworthy objects are a wooden-carved centurion helmet mask from the eighteenth century depicting a Roman guard, which is one of the few remaining masks of this type in existence, and a nineteenth century ceramic pitcher from Oaxaca that combines many stylistic techniques. Other objects include a variety of children’s toys, clothing, and items for eating and drinking.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Foreword by Ann Rockefeller Roberts
  • Prologue by Marion Oettinger, Jr.
    • Additional acquisitions
    • Exhibitions and loans to other museums
    • The Nelson A. Rockefeller center for latin american art and the future
  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword by Nelson A. Rockefeller
  • Preface by Ann Rockefeller Roberts
  • Introduction by Avon Neal
  • Rockefeller the Collector
    • Mexico: a nation discovers itself
    • Voyage to Mexico
    • A philosophy of collecting
  • The Collection
    • History and importance of the collection
    • The nature of the collection
    • Utilitarian objects
      • Ceramic Vessels
      • Wooden Containers
      • Textiles
    • Ceremonial objects
      • Paintings
      • Masks
      • Incense Burners
      • Musical Instruments
      • Day of the Dead Objects
      • Other Objects of Celebration
    • Objects of play and fantasy
    • Decorative objects
  • The Mexican Folk Artist
  • Notes
  • Chronology
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Photograph Credits



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