Women's tales from the New Mexico WPA : la diabla a pie

Women's tales from the New Mexico WPA : la diabla a pie

  • Author: Rebolledo, Tey Diana and Mería Teresa Márquez
  • Publisher: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558853126
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611920536
  • Place of publication:  Houston , United States
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Pages: 454

As part of the Works Progress Administration during the Depression, two women interviewers, Lou Sage Batchen and Annette Hesch Thorp, gathered women’s stories or cuentosfrom many native ancianas to glean vivid details of a way of life now long disappeared.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Introduction. The Federal Writers’ Project
    • Hispanic Folklore: The Early New Mexican Collectors
    • The Federal Writers’ Project: “A Significant Experience in National Self-Discovery”
    • Edited Voices: Approaches to the Hispano WPA Cuentos
    • Thorp and Batchen: The Women Collectors and the Women’s Narratives
    • The End of the WPA
    • The Hispano Informants Annette Hesch Thorp: Informants
    • Lou Sage Batchen: Informants
    • La Diabla a Pie: The Women’s Cuentos
    • Notes
  • Part I. Annette Hesch Thorp
    • 1. Stories
    • 2. Catalina Viareal
    • 3. Cesaria gallegos
    • 4. Tita
    • 5. Chana
    • 6. Chana
    • 7. Chana
    • 8. Chana
    • 9. Chana
      • The Resador
      • The curandera
      • Remedios
      • Chana
    • 10. Casorios (Weddings)
    • 11. Nuestra Señora del Rosario
    • 12. Witch Stories
    • 13. Lina
    • 14. Lina
    • 15. Lina
    • 16. Lina
    • 17. Lina
    • 18. Partera
    • 19. Partera
    • 20. Marcelina
      • The pie and the plate
      • Partera
      • Remedios
    • 21. Barbarita Nieto. Velorio
      • Velorio
      • Mortaja
    • 22. Juliana. Satan and the girl
      • Fabiana
      • Fabiana
    • 23. Vicenta
      • Vicenta
      • Vicenta
      • Vicenta
      • Vicenta
      • Manuela
      • Manuela
      • Manuela
      • Amalia
      • Amalia
      • Amalia
  • Part II. Lou Sage Batchen
    • 1. Placitas
    • 2. Placitas Folklore. Doña Tomasa - The witch nurse
      • Tesoro de la ciruela
      • El abuelo - The whipping man
      • Francisco and his saint
    • 3. Folklore. Petra's faith
      • The brave little sheperd
      • The coyotes send the warning
      • Eufemia's sopapillas
      • Quiteria outwits the witch nurse
      • The first San Antonio de las Huertas
    • 4. Las Huertas
    • 5. Tales of the towns sttled by Las Huertesanas. Ojo de La Casa
      • The peace plot
      • El inocentón
      • El ojo
      • Luz de la luna
      • Legend of Montezuma mine
      • Gold fever in Ojo de La Casa
      • La Madera
      • The good samaritan of La Madera
      • La cita de las brujas
      • El misterio
      • El hombre alegre
      • La Madera: Part II. Luxuries come to La Madera
      • The snow bride
      • The burial of Old José
      • Tejón
    • 6. Placitas. The naming of Placitas
      • Old houses of Placitas
    • 7. Life in the ols houses: Part I
      • Part II
      • A busy day in the house of Juan
      • Part III
      • Part IV
      • Part V
      • Part VI
      • Part VII
      • Part VIII
      • Part IX
      • Part X
    • 8. Life and play of the children (in tho Old Houses)
      • ¿Qué es Chícaro?
      • Coyotito
      • Tan Tan
      • Asote
      • Muñecas
    • 9. Folktales. The wise donkey
      • Capitán grande, agua
      • The phantom raiders
      • Ricardo's deer
    • 10. The trader of Ojo de La Casa
    • 11. The terror of Ojo de La Casa
    • 12. El bandolero de las Placitas
    • 13. Felicia the bruja
    • 14. Guadaloupe's transgression
      • El indio viejo
      • Madrecita piedad
      • El pelón y la pelona
      • The fall of Paquita
      • La curandera
      • La curandera
      • The story of la curandera
      • Camila
      • Señor Flores comes to las Placitas
      • The cruel moon
    • 15. Community work
    • 16. Clotilde and Francisca
    • 17. Los pedlers
    • 18. Tiempo de Pascua
    • 19. The year it rained tortillas
    • 20. How Juan brought art to las Placitas
    • 21. Antonia and her saints
    • 22. El cajón bonito
    • 23. How Señora Petra clothed her family
    • 24. La cuna y la muñeca
    • 25. El horno
    • 26. La era
    • 27. El Platero
    • 28. El vestido de venado cuero de Juan
    • 29. La tinaja de Lemita
    • 30. Mateo y Raquel
    • 31. La orquesta antigua
    • 32. La cosecha de maíz
  • Appendix (Batchen)
    • 1. Juan of Tecolote
    • 2. Over the Santa Fe Trail in 1868
    • 3. The panic of 1862
    • 4. Outs of bondage
    • 5. Juan y el oso ladrón
    • 6. The fury of 1869
    • 7. Dos hombres sabios de las Placitas
    • 8. Salvadoro, el constructor de arado
    • 9. Miguel y su carreta
    • 10. Nicolás goes to market
    • 11. Constructor de reata
  • A selected bibliography
  • Glossary



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