Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. IX

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. IX

  • Author: Kabalen de Bichara, Donna; López de Mariscal, Blanca
  • Publisher: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558857551
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611928648
  • Place of publication:  Houston , United States
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Pages: 288

This volume of essays is the ninth in the series produced under the auspices of the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project at the University of Houston. This ongoing and comprehensive program seeks to locate, identify, preserve and disseminate the literary contributions of U.S. Latinos from the Spanish Colonial Period to contemporary times.

The thirteen essays included in this volume examine key topics relevant to the exploration of Hispanic literary production in the United States, including cultural identity, land ownership, class and women’s issues.

Originally presented at the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project’s biennial conferences in 2010 and 2012, the essays are divided into four sections: “Recovering Historical Memory: Exploration, Social Space and Lands of Contention,” “Culture and Ideology: Transnational Communities, Language and Geopolitical Borders,” “Autobiography, Testimonio and Expressions of Resistance,” and “Feminism, Culture and Identities in Conflict.”

  • Cover page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Part I. Recovering Memory
  • Sobre el corpus de relatos de viaje en el septentrión novohispano: siglos XVI y XVII
  • Third Space resistance in Américo Paredes' with his pistol in his hand: A defense of nuevo santander
  • Nooses, Loopholes, and Questions of Legitimacy in Early Mexican-American Literature
  • Part II. Culture and Ideology
  • ¿Nos permiten 'escribir la nación' en un español boricua? Guerra de palabras entre puertorriqueños y españoles en periódicos neoyorquinos
  • Puertorriqueñidad en Nueva York: La ideología de nación en las obras de O'Neill, Arroyo y Gares
  • Hope for recovery: The squatter and the Don's Corrections to NAFTA ideals
  • Part III. Autobiography, testimony, and resistance writings
  • The crisis and Lysis models of conversion autobiographies as written by José policarporodríguez and Santiago Tafolla, Sr.
  • Testimonio of 'When I left and when i arrived': The mexican revolution Era Immigrant in the Midwest
  • Expressions of Dissent in the writings of Adela Sloss Vento
  • Part IV. Femeninity and Identity
  • Carmita Landestoy, esa gran desconocida
  • Domestic Advice and culinary Articles in Hispanic Newspapers from the turn of the Twentieth Century: Recovering Tradition or Subversion?
  • Contributors



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