Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. VI

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. VI

  • Cover page
  • Title page
  • Part I. Recalibrating the Local and Global: History as region and region as history
  • 'Las almas y las letras': Recovering Fray Angélico Chávez's Poetry
  • New Mexican Triptychs: Anglo Southwesternism, Chicano Nationalism, and teh Tri-partite Cultural critique of Fray Angélico Chávez's Fiction
  • Part II. Voicing dissent, staging identity, speaking into time
  • El discruso político y la construcción de la identidad: El ejemplo de La voz del Pueblo
  • La 'construccion' de una nación puertoriqueña en la prensa escrita
  • Josephina Niggli as a Regional Voice: A re-examination of Mexican Village and step down Elder brother
  • Part III. Translating Latinidad, Hispanismo in the World
  • Resisting the ''Fatal allurement' of Local Color: María Cristina Mena's Mexico in American Magazine and the century MAgazine
  • Translating, Smuggling, and Recovering books in Nineteenth century mexico: Thomas Smith Webb's El monitor de los Masones Libres: ó, illustraciones sobre la masonería
  • Part IV. Froma Canton to the nation-state and Beyond, transnational Authors and Activists
  • La resistencia cultural en la novela de inmigración mexicana a los Estados Unidos
  • Sara Estela Ramírez and Andrea Villareal González: Revolutionary Voices?
  • Deism and the Autorship of Jicoténal
  • Contributors



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