Chicano! : the history of the Mexican American civil rights movement

Chicano! : the history of the Mexican American civil rights movement

  • Author: Rosales, F. Arturo
  • Publisher: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558852013
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611924992
  • Place of publication:  Houston , United States
  • Year of publication: 1997
  • Pages: 328

CHICANO! The History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement is a detailed account of the Mexican-American struggle to obtain and safeguard their civil rights from 1848 to the present history, highlighting three episodes in Mexican-American history that demonstrate the links between the Chicano Movement and past U.S. Mexican efforts to fight for political rights.
Chapter one traces the experiences of the “lost-land” generation, Mexicans who resided in what is now the U.S. Southwest, struggling to assert their rights when their land was taken from them after the Mexican-American War. Chapters two to five uncover the period of
“México Lindo” nationalism in the early twentieth century, when many U.S. Mexicans reestablished strong ties with Mexico as a means to protect themselves from a hostile American public. Chapters six and seven discuss Mexican Americanism, a period that began around the Great Depression, when many U.S. Mexicans used assimilation as a means to empower themselves. Finally, chapters eight to fourteen provide a detailed
analysis of the key leaders, issues, and tactics of the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s, a landmark period when Mexican Americans, particularly youth, took action to gain their full rights as citizens while celebrating their Mexican cultural heritage.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Chapter one. Americans by Conquest
  • Chapter two. Legacy of the Mexican Revolution
  • Chapter three. Mexican Immigrants
  • Chapter four. In Defense of México Lindo
  • Chapter five. Organizing el México de Afuera
  • Chapter six. The Mexican American Generation
  • Chapter seven. In Defense of the Workplace
  • Chapter eight. The Struggle in the Fields
  • Chapter nine. In Quest of a Homland
  • Chapter ten. The Fight for Educational Reform
  • Chapter eleven. The Chicano Moratorium
  • Chapter twelve. The Youth of Aztlán
  • Chapter thirteen. The Road to Political Empowerment
  • Chapter fourteen. Legacy of the Chicano Movement
  • Bibliography
  • Chronology
  • Credits for illustrations
  • Index



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