Reading Strategies for College Students and Skilled Readers

Reading Strategies for College Students and Skilled Readers

Obra que pretende ofrecer una solución alternativa al problema de comprensión lectora en el idioma inglés. Para ello establece y formula en su contexto estrategias de lectura intencional, formal y académico aplicables en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora. Su aplicación está fundada hacia estudiantes de nivel medio y superior, intentando quitar la dificultad en la lectura y convertirla en un eje transversal que permita evidenciar una mejora en la práctica de la lengua extranjera.

  • Cover
  • Copyright page
  • Title page
  • Dedicatoria
  • Agradecimiento
  • Prologue
  • Abstract
  • Table of contents
  • Figure and table index
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I. Reading: an overview prior to reading comprehension
    • 1.1 Fundamentals that a reader brings to the text
      • a. Knowledge of the writing system
      • b. Knowledge of the language
      • c. Ability to interpret
      • d. Knowledge ofthe world
    • 1.2 Factors that affect reading
      • a. The text
      • b. The reader
      • c. The context of the reading situatíon
    • 1.3 Reading phases and their supportive strategies
      • a. Pre-reading strategies
      • b. While-reading strategies
      • c. Post-reading strategies
  • Chapter II. Reading comprehension
    • 2.1 Levels of reading comprehension
      • a. Comprehension at literal Level
      • b. Comprehensión at inferential level
      • c. Comprehension at critical-evaluative level
  • Chapter III. Strategies for improving reading comprehension among college students
    • 3.1 Background knowledge or experiences
    • 3.2 Providing homework and class work
    • 3.3 Providing learning aide by instructors
    • 3.4 The SQ3R method
    • 3.5 Using Peer-Teaching
    • 3.6 Encoding
    • 3.7 Reading flexibility
  • Chapter IV. Reading comprehension strategies for skilled readers
    • 4.1 Identifying the main idea
    • 4.2 Summarizing
    • 4.3 Drawlng inferences
    • 4.4 Generating questions
    • 4.5 Creating visual images
    • 4.6 Looking for clues
    • 4.7 Ask strategic questions about context clues
    • 4.8 ldentify a range of textual and visual clues
    • 4.9 Frontload text
    • 4.10 Skim texts strategically
    • 4.11 Build on students' existing strategies
    • 4.12 Paraphrasing
    • 4 .13 Think - alouds
      • Before readíng Think alouds
        • a. Overview the Text
        • b) Look for important information
        • c) Connect to an author’s big idea.
        • d) Activate relevant knowledge
        • e. Put myself in the book
      • While reading Think alouds
        • a) Revise prior knowledge and predict
        • b) Recognize an author's writing style
        • c) Determine word meanings
        • d) Ask questions
      • After reading Think alouds
        • a) Notice novelty in text
        • b) Relate the book to my life
        • c) Anticipate use of knowledge
  • Chapter V. Experiences of reading comprehension conducted by Carchi State Polytechnic University.
    • 5.1 Experience performed by the SNNA-UPEC Project
    • 5.2 Experience performed with UPEC- Faculties students
    • 5.3 Experience Performed with UPEC-English Center Students
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography and linkography



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