Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World

Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World

Rethinking the Black Death

  • Autor: Green, Monica H.; Symes, Carol
  • Editor: Arc Humanities Press
  • Col·lecció: The Medieval Globe ;
  • ISBN: 9781942401001
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781942401018
  • Lloc de publicació:  York , United Kingdom
  • Any de publicació digital: 2015
  • Mes: Gener
  • Pàgines: 339
  • DDC: 614.5732 (P)
  • Idioma: Anglés
This ground-breaking book brings together scholars from the humanities and social and physical sciences to address the question of how recent work in the genetics, zoology, and epidemiology of plague's causative organism (Yersinia pestis) can allow a rethinking of the Black Death pandemic and its larger historical significance.
  • PREFACE—The Black Death and Ebola
  • Carol Symes—Introducing The Medieval Globe
  • Monica H. Green—Editor’s Introduction to Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World: Rethinking the Black Death
  • Monica H. Green—Taking “Pandemic” Seriously: Making the Black Death Global
  • Anna Colet et al.—The Black Death and Its Consequences for the Jewish Community in Tàrrega: Lessons from History and Archeology
  • Sharon N. DeWitte—The Anthropology of Plague: Insights from Bioarcheological Analyses of Epidemic Cemeteries
  • Stuart Borsch—Plague Depopulation and Irrigation Decay in Medieval Egypt
  • Ann G. Carmichael—Plague Persistence in Western Europe: A Hypothesis
  • Nükhet Varlık—New Science and Old Sources: Why the Ottoman Experience of Plague Matters
  • Fabian Crespo and Matthew B. Lawrenz—Heterogeneous Immunological Landscapes and Medieval Plague: An Invitation to a New Dialogue between Historians and Immunologists
  • Michelle Ziegler—The Black Death and the Future of the Plague
  • Robert Hymes—Epilogue: A Hypothesis on the East Asian Beginnings of the Yersinia pestis Polytomy
  • Monica H. Green et al.—Featured Source – Diagnosis of a “Plague” Image: A Digital Cautionary Tale
