Liquid Metal

Liquid Metal

The Science Fiction Film Reader

  • Auteur: Redmond, Sean
  • Éditeur: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9781903364888
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231501842
  • Lieu de publication:  New York , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2005
  • Mois : Janvier
  • Langue: Anglais
Liquid Metal brings together 'seminal' essays that have opened up the study of science fiction to serious critical interrogation. Eight distinct sections cover such topics as the cyborg in science fiction; the science fiction city; time travel and the primal scene; science fiction fandom; and the 1950s invasion narratives. Important writings by Susan Sontag, Vivian Sobchack, Steve Neale, J.P. Telotte, Peter Biskind and Constance Penley are included.
  • Table of Contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Preface, by Sean Redmond
  • Section 1. The Wonder of Science Fiction
  • 1. Images of Wonder: the look of science fiction: Iconography, by Vivian Sobchack
  • 2. 'You've Got To Be Fucking Kidding!' Knowledge, Belief, and Judgement in Science Fiction, by Steve Neale
  • 3. Sensuous Elaboration: Reason and the Visible in the Science Fiction Film, by Barry Keith Grant
  • 4. Between Science Fact and Science Fiction: Spielberg's Digital Dinosaurs, Possible Worlds and the New Aesthetic Realism, by Warren Buckland
  • Section 2. Science Fiction's Disaster Imagination
  • 5. The Imagination of Disaster, by Susan Sontag
  • 6. Technophobia/Dystopia, by Michael Ryan and Douglas Kellner
  • 7. Human Artifice and the Science Fiction Film, by J.P. Telotte
  • 8. Dream Girls and Mechanic Panic: Dystopia and its Others in Brazil and Ninety-Eighty Four, by Linda Ruth Williams
  • Section 3. Spatial Abyss: The Science Fiction City
  • 9. Cities on the Edge of Time: The Urban Science-Fiction Film, by Vivian Sobchack
  • 10. Dark City: White Flight and the Urban Science Fiction Film in Postwar America, by Eric Avila
  • 11. On the Edge of Spaces: Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, and Hong Kong's Cityscape, by Kin Yuen Wong
  • Section 4. The Origin of the Species: Time Travel and the Primal Scene
  • 12. Back To The Future: Oedipus as Time Traveller, by Andrew Gordon
  • 13. Time Travel, Primal Scene and the Critical Dystopia, by Constance Penley
  • 14. Another Time, Another Space: Modernity, Subjectivity and The Time Machine, by Jonathan Bignell
  • 15. With Eyes Uplifted: Space Aliens as Sky Gods, by Carol Schwartz Ellis
  • Section 5. Liquid Metal: the Cyborg in Science Fiction
  • 16. A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s, by Donna J. Haraway
  • 17. Technophilia: Technology, Representation, and the Feminine, by Mary Ann Doane
  • 18. Machine as Messiah: Cyborgs, Morphs and the American Body Politic, by Doran Larson
  • 19. Ghosts and Machines: The Technological Body, by Susan J. Napier
  • Section 6. Imitation of Life: Postmodern Science Fiction
  • 20. Postfuturism: Altered States, by Vivian Sobchack
  • 21. Who Programs You? The Science Fiction of the Spectacle, by Scott Bukatman
  • 22. Prosthetic Memory: Totall Recall and Blade Runner, by Alison Landsberg
  • 23. Akira, Postmodernism and Resistance, by Isolde Standish
  • Section 7. Poaching the Universe: Science Fiction Fandom
  • 24. Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching, by Henry Jenkins III
  • 25. 'We're Only A Speck in the Ocean': the Fan as Powerless Elite, by John Tulloch
  • 26. New Hope: The Postmodern Project of Star Wars, by Will Brooker
  • 27. Web of Babylon, by Kurt Lancaster
  • Section 8. Look to the Skies! 1950's Science Fiction Invasion Narratives
  • 28. The Russians Are Coming, Aren't They? Them! and The Thing, by Peter Biskind
  • 29. Re-examining he 1950s Invasion Narratives, by Mark Jancovich
  • 30. We're the Martians Now: British sf Invasion Fantasies of the 1950s and 1960s, by Peter Hutchings
  • Index


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