Covering Globalization

Covering Globalization

A Handbook for Reporters

  • Author: Schiffrin, Anya; Bisat, Amer
  • Publisher: Columbia University Press
  • ISBN: 9780231131742
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780231506403
  • Place of publication:  New York , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2004
  • Month: November
  • Language: English
The first journalism textbook for reporters who cover finance and economics in developing and transitional countries, Covering Globalization is an essential guide to the pressing topics of our times. Written by economists from the Asian Development Bank and the International Monetary Fund as well as journalists who have worked for Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the New York Times, Fortune, and Reuters—and with an introduction by Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz—this invaluable resource helps reporters write about subjects such as banking and banking crises, pension reform, privatization, trade agreements, central banks, the World Bank, sovereign debt restructuring, commodity markets, corporate governance, poverty-eradication programs, and the "resource curse."

Each chapter explains the basic economic principles and current thinking on a given topic and provides

• tips on what to look for when covering specific subjects;

• a way to structure business and economics stories;

• a way to use the Internet for reporting with links to more information online;

• extensive glossaries and much more.
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1. The Importance of Critical Thinking
  • Part 1. Capital Markets
    • 2. Capital Markets
    • 3. Foreign Exchange Markets and Foreign Exchange Crises
    • 4. Covering Central Banks
    • 5. Capital Controls
    • 6. Dollarization
    • 7. Derivatives
    • 8. Hedge Funds
  • Part 2. Banking and Macroeconomics
    • 9. Banking Crises: Causes and Solutions
    • 10. Sovereign Debt Crises
    • 11. Debt Relief and HIPC
    • 12. Assessing Sovereign Risk
    • 13. Pension Reform
  • Part 3. Corporate Reporting
    • 14. Foreign Direct Investment
    • 15. Privatization
    • 16. Corporate Governance
    • 17. Labor
    • 18. Accounting
    • 19. Money Laundering
  • Part 4. Trade and Commodities
    • 20. International Trade
    • 21. Commodities Markets
    • 22. Oil and Development
    • 23. Poverty Reduction
  • Part 5. Reporting and Writing
    • 24. Covering the World Bank
    • 25. Internet Reporting
    • 26. Writing Tips
  • List of Contributors
  • Index


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