Chinese Poetry, 2nd ed., Revised

Chinese Poetry, 2nd ed., Revised

An Anthology of Major Modes and Genres

  • Autor: Yip, Wai-lim
  • Editor: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822319511
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822382096
  • Lloc de publicació:  Durham , United States
  • Any de publicació digital: 1997
  • Mes: Abril
  • Pàgines: 374
  • DDC: 895.1/1008
  • Idioma: Anglés
This is the first paperback edition of a classic anthology of Chinese poetry. Spanning two thousand years—from the Book of Songs (circa 600 B.C.) to the chü form of the Yuan Dynasty (1260–1368)—these 150 poems cover all major genres that students of Chinese poetry must learn.
Newly designed, the unique format of this volume will enhance its reputation as the definitive introduction to Chinese poetry, while its introductory essay on issues of Chinese aesthetics will continue to be an essential text on the problems of translating such works into English. Each poem is printed with the original Chinese characters in calligraphic form, coordinated with word-for-word annotations, and followed by an English translation. Correcting more than a century of distortion of the classical Chinese by translators unconcerned with the intricacies and aesthetics of the Chinese language, these masterful translations by Wai-lim Yip, a noted and honored translator and scholar, allow English readers to enter more easily into the dynamic of the original poems. Each section of the volume is introduced by a short essay on the mode or genre of poem about to be presented and is followed by a comprehensive bibliography.
  • Contents
  • Preface to the New Edition
  • Translating Chinese Poetry: The Convergence of Languages and Poetics-A Radical Introduction
  • From the "Shih Ching", or the "Book of Songs"
    • Nos. 1, 23, 65, 95, 167, 234
  • From the "Ch'u Tz'u", "Songs of the South"
    • Lament for Ying by Chu Yuan
  • From "Nineteen Ancient Poems" (Anon.)
    • Nos. 1, 3, 14
  • From "The Yueh-Fu", Collection of Ballad-Songs of the Bureau of Music
    • O Heavens
    • Him I'm Thinking of
    • South of the Yangtze
    • Fighting South of the Ramparts
    • The East Gate
    • Sad Song
    • Old Song
    • At Fifteen I Went to War
    • Water the Horses at a Breach in the Great Wall
    • Ballad of the Mulberry Road
  • Literary "Yueh-Fu"
    • Bitter Cold: A Song by Ts'ao Ts'as
    • Water the Horses at a Breach in the Great Wall by Chen Lin
    • Woe Indeed by Ts'ao Chih
    • Bearers' Song by T'ao Ch'ien
    • From "Weary Road: 18 Songs" by Pao Chao: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 14
  • From the "Yueh-Fu" of the Southern Dynasties
    • 4 "Tzu-yeh" Songs
    • Spring Song
    • Song of the Little Miss by the Green Rill
    • Tchirek Song (northern Yueh-fu)
  • Landscape Poetry, or Poems of "Mountains and Rivers"
    • View of the Blue Sea by Ts'ao Ts'ao
    • Poems from the "Orchid Pavilion Collection"
      • Preface (in part) by Wang Hsi-chih
      • Orchid Pavilion by Wang Hsi-chih
      • Orchid Pavilion by Sun Cho
      • Orchid Pavilion by Wang Pin-chih
      • The Third Day of the Third Month at the Meandering River by Yu Ch'en
    • Sailing into the South Lake by Chan Fang-sheng
    • Sailing Back to the Capital by Chan Fang-sheng
    • From Poems on Roaming with Immortals by Kuo P'u
    • Scene from the South Hill to the North Hill Passing the Lake by Hsieh Ling-yung
    • From Chin-chu Creek, past the Ridge, along the Stream by Hsieh Ling-yun
    • Night: Setting Out from Shih-kuan Pavilion by Hsieh Ling-yun
    • Ascend Lu-shan by Pao Chao
    • To Hsuan-ch'eng, past Hsin-lin-pu, toward Pan Ch'iao by Hsieh T'iao
    • Ascend the Three Mountains toward the Evening: Looking Back at the Capital by Hsieh T'iao
    • Roaming the East Field by Hsieh T'iao
    • Viewing the Three Lakes by Hsieh T'iao
    • The River Song by Wang Yung
    • Trip on Mount T'ai-p'ing by K'ung Chih-kuei
    • Poem by Wu Yun
  • Poems of "Fields and Gardens": Examples from T'ao Ch'ien
    • Home to Farm 1
    • Home to Farm 5
    • Drinking Wine: Poem No. 5
  • Poems of New Metrical Patterns (Chin-T'I-Shih)
    • A. Wu-lu (Five-character Eight-line Regulated Poems)
      • Harmonizing a Spring Poem by Premier Lu of Chin-ling by Tu Shen-yen
      • Stayover at Pei-ku-shan by Wang Wan
      • Taking Leave of a Friend by Li Po
      • Crossing Ching-men to See a Friend Off by Li Po
      • Listening to the Lute Played by Monk Chun from Shu by Li Po
      • On Visiting Taoist Recluse of Tai-t'ien-shan and Not Finding Hom by Li Po
      • To See a Friend off to Shu by Li Po
      • Mount Chungnan by Wang Wei
      • Answer to Vice-Perfect Chang by Wang Wei
      • Villa at the Foot of Mount Chungnan by Wang Wei
      • Autumn Dusk at a Mountain Lodge by Wang Wei
      • Passing the Temple of Teeming Fragance by Wang Wei
      • Floating on the River Han by Wang Wei
      • Spring Scene by Tu Fu
      • Spring Vigil in the Imperial Chancellery by Tu Fu
      • New Moon by Tu Fu
      • Night Feast at the Tsos by Tu Fu
      • Spring Day: Thinking of Li Po by Tu Fu
      • From Miscellaneous Poems of Ch'in-chou by Tu Fu
    • B. "Ch'i-lu" (Seven-character Eight-line Regulated Poems)
      • Ascend the Phoenix Terrace by Li Po
      • Night Up in the Tower by Tu Fu
      • A Guest by Tu Fu
      • Hearing of Imperial Forces Retaking Ho-nan and Ho-pei by Tu Fu
      • Climbing on the Double Ninth Day by Tu Fu
      • The Inlaid Lute by Li Shang-yin
      • Without Title (I) by Li Shang-yin
      • Without Title (II) by Li Shang-yin
      • Spring Rain by Li Shang-yin
      • Hearing a Startled Bird during Stayover at Chin-ch'ang Pavilion by Li Shang-yin
    • C. "Wu-chueh" (Five-character Four-line "Curtailed" Poems)
      • Bird-Singing Stream by Wang Wei
      • 4 Examples from the Poems of River Wang by Wang Wei
      • In the Mountain by Wang Wei
      • Springtime Sleep by Meng Hao-jan
      • Stayover at Chien-teh River by Meng Hao-jan
      • "Wu-chueh": 2 poems by Tu Fu
      • River Snow by Liu Tsung-yuan
      • Ascend the Heron Tower by Wang Chih-huan
      • Autumn Night: A Letter Sent to Ch'iu by Wei Ying-wu
    • D. "Ch'i-chueh" (Seven-character Four line "Curtailed" Poems)
      • To See Meng Hao-jan off to Yang-chou by Li Po
      • Hearing the Flute in the City of Loyang in a Spring Night by Li Po
      • Complaint from a Lady's Chamber by Wang Ch'ang-ling
      • Night-Mooring at Maple Bridge by Chang Chi
      • Night Rains: A Letter to Go North by Li Shang-yin
      • Ch'ang-O by Li Shang-yin
  • Poems After The Style of Ancient Poems (Ku-Shih), including the Literary "Yueh-fu"
    • To See a Friend Off by Wang Wei
    • "After" Source of the Peach Blossom Stream by Wang Wei
    • To See Secretary Shu-yun Off at the Hsieh T'iao Tower in Hsuan-ch'eng by Li Po
    • Ku Feng by Li Po: No. 6
    • Ku Feng by Li Po: No. 14
    • Ku Feng by Li Po: No. 18
    • River Song by Li Po
    • Poem Composed at the Command of the Emperor by Li Po
    • Remembering Our Excursion in the Past: A Letter Sent to Commissary Yen of Ch'ao by Li Po
    • The Song of Ch'ang-kan (Yueh-fu) by Li Po
    • Yu Chieh Yuan (Jade Steps Grievance-Yueh-fu) by Li Po
    • Looking at Mount T'ai-shan by Tu Fu
    • Dreaming of Li Po: 2 poems by Tu Fu
    • Song of the P'i-p'a by Po Chu-i
    • Morning Walk in Autumn to South Valley Passing an Abandoned Village by Liu Tsung-yuan
    • King Ch'in Drinks Wine by Li Ho
    • Cold in the North (after Yuen-fu) by Li Ho
    • On and On: An Ancient Song (Yueh-fu) by Li Ho
    • High the Mounth of Wu (Yueh-fu) by Li Ho
  • Tz'u (lyrics written to set tone-patterns)
    • Tune: "Beautiful Barbarians" by Li Po
    • Tune: "Beautiful Barbarians" by Wen T'ing-yun
    • Tune: "Beauty Yu" by Li Yu
    • Tune: "Walk on the Imperial Street" by Fan Chung-yen
    • Tune: "Bells in the Rains" by Liu ung
    • Tune: "Charming Nien-nu" by Su Tung-p'o
    • Tune: "Immortal by the River" by Su Tung-p'o
    • Tune: "Chi'ing-p'ing Song" by Huang T'ing-chien
    • Tune: "Prince Lan-ling" by Chou Pang-yen
    • Tune: "Dream Song" by Li Ch'ing-chao
    • Tune: "Hairpin Phoenix" by Lu Yu
    • Tune: "Moon of the Western River" by Hsin Ch'i-chih
  • "Ch'u" (songs, originated from Yuan drama and metamorphosed from the Tz'u form, with set tone-patterns)
    • Tune: "Vast Virtue" by Kuan Han-ch'ing
    • Tune: "Four Pieces of Jade" by Kuan Han-ch'ing
    • Tune: "Drunk in the East Wind" by Lu Chih
    • Tune: "Sky Pure Sand" by Ma Chih-yuan
    • Tune: "Winds of Falling Plums" by Ma Chih-yuan
    • Tune: "Song of Clear River" by Ma Chih-yuan
    • Tune: "Full Court of Fragrance" by Yao Sui
    • Tune: "Sheep on a Mountain Slope" by Chang Yang-hao
    • Tune: "Sheep on a Mountain Slope" by Liu Chih
    • Tune: "Unbroken" by Chang K'o-chiu
    • Tune: "Traveler Welcoming the Immortal" by Chang K'o-chiu
    • Tune: "Merriment before the Palace Hall" by Chang K'o-chiu
  • Selected Bibliography