The Community Economic Development Movement

The Community Economic Development Movement

Law, Business, and the New Social Policy

  • Auteur: Simon, William H.
  • Éditeur: Duke University Press
  • ISBN: 9780822328049
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780822380825
  • Lieu de publication:  Durham , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2002
  • Mois : Janvier
  • Pages: 240
  • DDC: 307.1/4/0973
  • Langue: Anglais
While traditional welfare efforts have waned, a new style of social policy implementation has emerged dramatically in recent decades. The new style is reflected in a panoply of Community Economic Development (ced) initiatives—efforts led by locally-based organizations to develop housing, jobs, and business opportunities in low-income neighborhoods.
In this book William H. Simon provides the first comprehensive examination of the evolution of Community Economic Development, complete with an analysis of its operating premises and strategies. He describes the profusion of new institutional forms that have arisen from the movement, amalgamations that cut across conventional distinctions—such as those between private and public—and that encompass the efforts of nonprofits, cooperatives, churches, business corporations, and public agencies. Combining local political mobilization with entrepreneurial initiative and electoral accountability with market competition, this phenomenon has catalyzed new forms of property rights designed to motivate investment and civic participation while curbing the dangers of speculation and middle-class flight.
With its examination of many localities and its appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the prevailing approach to Community Economic Development, this book will be a valuable resource for local housing, job, and business development officials; community activists; and students of law, business, and social policy.
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Background: The Turn to Community-Based Organizations in Social Policy
    • General Planning: The Revival of Redevelopment and Community Action
    • Housing
    • Banking and Credit
    • Job Training and Placement
    • Welfare Reform
    • Community Health Care
  • 3. Three Logics of Community Action
    • Economic
    • Social
    • Political
  • 4. The Community as Beneficiary of Economic Development
    • The Local Perspective
    • The Community as Residual Claimant:Development Rights
    • Local Trade: Self-Reliance and Import Substitution
    • Local Knowledge as a Community Asset
  • 5. The Community as Agent of Economic Development
    • Tools
    • Institutions: The Community Development Corporation
    • Institutions: Cooperatives
    • Hybrids:Churches and Mutual Housing Associations
  • 6. Constrained Property: Rights as Anchors
    • Subsidized Housing
    • Enterprises: Cooperatives
    • Community-Based Nongovernmental Organizations: The Nonprofit Corporation, 160 / Churches: Mobile versus Immobile Membership
  • 7. Induced Mobilization
    • The Ex Ante Structural Approach
    • The Ex Post Competitive Approach
  • 8. Institutional Hybridization
    • An Illustration: Hyde Square Co-op
    • Social Control, Opportunism, and Empowerment: Boundary Problems
  • 9. The Limits of CED
    • Distributive Consequences
    • The Instability of Low-Income Communities
    • The Limited Appeal of the Communitarian Ideal
    • The Weakness of the Inside Game
    • Conclusion
  • Index


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