The Soledad Children

The Soledad Children

The Fight to End Discriminatory IQ Tests

  • Author: Glick, Marty; Jordane, Maurice
  • Publisher: Arte Público Press
  • ISBN: 9781558858886
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781518505898
  • eISBN Epub: 9781518505874
  • Place of publication:  Houston , United States
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Pages: 241
Ten-year-old Arturo Velázquez was born and raised in a farm labor camp in Soledad, California. He was bright and gregarious, but he didn’t speak English when he started first grade. When he entered third grade in 1968, the psychologist at Soledad Elementary School gave him an English-language IQ test. Based on the results, he was placed in a class for the “Educable Mentally Retarded (EMR).” Arturo wasn’t the only Spanish-speaking child in the room; all but one were from farmworker families. All were devastated by the stigma and lack of opportunity to learn. In 1969, attorneys at California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) discovered California public schools were misusing English-language, culturally biased IQ tests, by asking questions like “Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?” to place Spanish-speaking students into EMR classes. Additionally, Mexican-American children were not the only minorities impacted. While African-American and Mexican-American students made up 21.5% of the state population, they were 48% of special education programs! Written by two of the attorneys who led the charge against the unjust denial of an education to Mexican-American youth, The Soledad Children: The Fight to End Discriminatory IQ Tests recounts the history of both the CRLA and the class-action suit filed in 1970, Diana v. the State Board of Education, on behalf of 13,000 Hispanic kids already placed in EMR classes and another 100,000 at risk of being relegated to a virtual purgatory. From securing removal from EMR classes for the misplaced to ensuring revised, appropriate testing for students throughout the state, this engrossing book recounts the historic struggle—by lawyers, parents, psychologists and legislators—to guarantee all affected young people in California received equitable access to education.
  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Author’s Note
  • Prologue
  • Part one 1964–1966 Beginning and Organizing
    • Chapter 1 The Birth of the Legal Services Program
    • Chapter 2 Jim Lorenz and CRLA
    • Chapter 3 Marty Glick
    • Chapter 4 CRLA Opens for Clients
  • Part two 1966–1969 The Salinas Office
    • Chapter 5 The Salinas CRLA Office
    • Chapter 6 Early Salinas Days
    • Chapter 7 The Salinas Strawberries Case
    • Chapter 8 Martin Produce
    • Chapter 9 The Bracero Case
    • Chapter 10 The Literacy Case
    • Chapter 11 Salinas Activity Before the Diana Case
    • Chapter 12 Call Me Pancho
  • Part three 1969–1970 The Diana Case: Round One
    • Chapter 13 IQ Test History
    • Chapter 14 The Foundation Is Laid for the Diana Case
    • Chapter 15 Mo Joined CRLA
    • Chapter 16 Soledad and a Parent Steps Forward
    • Chapter 17 Meeting in Soledad
    • Chapter 18 The Association of Chicano Psychologists
    • Chapter 19 The Retesting of the Soledad Children
    • Chapter 20 Retest Results in Detail
    • Chapter 21 Cruz Reynoso
    • Chapter 22 Meetings with Soledad Officials
    • Chapter 23 The Diana Complaint
    • Chapter 24 Judge Assignment
    • Chapter 25 The Plaintiffs and the Defendants Identified
    • Chapter 26 The Remedy Issue
    • Chapter 27 The Complaint Tells the Whole Story
    • Chapter 28 The Request for Immediate Relief
    • Chapter 29 The Superintendent of Public Instruction
    • Chapter 30 Professional Pyschologist Affidavits
    • Chapter 31 Negotiations with the Soledad District and the State
    • Chapter 32 The February 1970 Court Order
    • Chapter 33 Diana Press Coverage
    • Chapter 34 The Lompoc District Protest
    • Chapter 35 Changes in Soledad
    • Chapter 36 Getting Legislation Passed
  • Part four 1971–1972 Governor Reagan Attacks CRLA
    • Chapter 37 Reagan Attempts to Kill CRLA
    • Chapter 38 CRLA Hearings
    • Chapter 39 Diana Spawns the Larry P. Case
    • Chapter 40 Larry P. Is Filed and an Injunction Issued
  • Part five 1972–1979 Diana and Larry P. Fight to the Finish
    • Chapter 41 Back in Action
    • Chapter 42 The New IQ Test
    • Chapter 43 The New Stipulation and Court Order
    • Chapter 44 Negotiations to Fill in the Blank
    • Chapter 45 The State Tries to Evade the Court Order
    • Chapter 46 The Contempt Action Is Filed
    • Chapter 47 The Remedy Caused Real Change
    • Chapter 48 Group IQ Tests Banned
    • Chapter 49 Nature v. Nurture; The Role of Testing
    • Chapter 50 The Larry P. Trial
  • Part six 2018 and Beyond Today and Tomorrow
    • Chapter 51 Revisiting the Soledad Children Years Later
    • Chapter 52 Diana and Larry P. Decades Later



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