

The Leghorn Rooster

  • Auteur: Nevils, Delores B.; Green, Jonathan
  • Éditeur: University of South Carolina Press
  • Collection: Young Palmetto Books
  • ISBN: 9781611175561
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781611175578
  • Lieu de publication:  South Carolina , United States
  • Année de publication électronique: 2015
  • Mois : Décembre
  • Langue: Anglais

Lowcountry storyteller Delores B. Nevils and acclaimed artist Jonathan Green collaborate to share the story of Amadeus, a loud and proud leghorn rooster who comes to live with a widow lady in the Corners community of St. Helena Island on the South Carolina coast. The widow lady's dogs—Kane and Able—and cats—Mae Liza, Scooter, and Pumpkin—are unhappy with the arrival of this new resident in their yard. Amadeus makes himself at home and becomes the pride of the neighborhood. When the widow lady comes to welcome Amadeus and his constant cock-a-doodle-dooing, a rivalry develops between the rooster and the original residents of the yard, with unexpected results. The cautionary story of Amadeus teaches a valuable lesson for readers of all ages about what can be lost without cooperation and friendship. As the characters learn from the consequences of their actions, if you do not take care of everyone and everything around you, then you just might end up with nothing.

  • Cover
  • Amadeus
    • Acknowledgments
    • About the author


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