Little Orange Honey Hood

Little Orange Honey Hood

A Carolina Folktale

A young girl encounters danger in a Southern swampland on her journey to grandma's house

Little Orange Honey Hood brings a Carolinian spin to the classic Brothers Grimm Little Red Cap and Charles Perrault's Little Red Riding Hood folktales. Illustrated and written by Lisa Anne Cullen, this story follows young Blossom on her journey through the river swampland to deliver mosquito-fever medicine to her ailing grandmother. During an unexpected encounter with a hungry alligator, Blossom realizes that she must fight to save Grandma from more than just mosquito fever.

Cullen introduces young readers to the charm and culture of the Carolinas, highlighting places such as the Congaree River in the South Carolina midlands while incorporating some of both states' symbols, such as the state flower, tree, insect, fruit, and boat. She also offers educational tables and maps of North and South Carolina. Young readers, with the help of an adult, will delight in Little Orange Honey Hood's recipes for peach pies, black tea, and gator nuggets. Cullen's colorful illustrations and lyrical storytelling are entertaining and enlightening, making her rendition a staple for personal and educational libraries throughout the historic and beloved south.

  • Cover
  • Little Orange Honey Hood
  • Title
  • Dedication
  • Copyright


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