We the People

We the People

Portraits of Veterans in America

  • Author: Whyte, Mary
  • Publisher: University of South Carolina Press
  • ISBN: 9781643360126
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781643360133
  • eISBN Epub: 9781643360133
  • Place of publication:  South Carolina , United States
  • Year of digital publication: 2019
  • Month: October
  • DDC: 759.13
  • Language: English

We the people—these words embody the ethos of what it means to be an American citizen. As individuals we are a tapestry of colors and creeds; united we are a nation committed to preserving our hard-earned freedom. In this heart-stirring collection of watercolor portraits of military veterans—one from each of the fifty states—artist Mary Whyte captures this ethos as well as the dedication, responsibility, and courage it takes to fulfill that promise.

Those who raise their hands to serve may join for different reasons, but all—along with their families—make the extraordinary commitment to place the needs of the country before their own. Whyte gives us the opportunity to meet and to see some of them—to really see them. Whyte's portrait of America includes individuals from many walks of life, some still active duty, and from every branch: women and men, old and young, and from a wide swath of ethnicities, befitting our glorious melting pot. From a mayor to an astronaut, from a teacher to a garbage collector, from a business entrepreneur to someone who is homeless, Whyte renders their unique and exceptional lives with great care and gentle brush strokes.

We the People is not only a tour across and through these vast United States, it is a tour through the heart and soul, the duty and the commitment of the people who protect not only our Constitution and our country but our very lives. We can only be deeply grateful, inspired, and humbled by all of them.

  • Cover
  • We the People
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Introduction: A Call of Duty
  • A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to Our Veterans
  • The Paintings
  • Index of Paintings



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