Gender, Space and Experience at the Renaissance Court

Gender, Space and Experience at the Renaissance Court

Performance and Practice at the Palazzo Te

Gender, Space, and Experience at the Renaissance Court investigates the dynamic relationships between gender and architectural space in Renaissance Italy. It examines the ceremonial use and artistic reception of the Palazzo Te from the arrival of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1530 to the Sack of Mantua in 1630. This book further proposes that we conceptualise the built environment as a performative space, a space formed by the gendered relationships and actors of its time. The Palazzo Te was constituted by the gendered behaviors of sixteenth-century courtiers, but it was not simply a passive receptor of gender performance. Through its multivalent form and ceremonial function, Maria F. Maurer argues that the palace was an active participant in the construction and perception of femininity and masculinity in the early modern court.
  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • The Palace in Cyberspace: A Note on the VirtualTour
  • List of Illustrations
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. The Performative Palace
    • Gender
    • Experience
    • Space
    • The Performative Palace
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources
  • 2. Spaces of Ceremony
    • Masquerades and Façades
    • Dining on Desire
    • The Nature of Virility
    • Bodies at Rest and in Motion
    • The Art of Conversation
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources
  • 3. The Palace in Time
    • Setting an Example
    • Mantua Triumphant
    • Past, Present, Absent
    • Virtuous Bodies
    • Under Construction
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources
  • 4. The Unbounded Palace
    • Monstrous Constructions
    • Monstrous Perspective
    • Monstrous Hybridity
    • Monstrous Consumption
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources
  • 5. The Troubled Palace
    • Bridal Bodies
    • Nuptus interruptus
    • Gender Trouble
    • Mixed Masculinities
    • Re-Staging the Bride
    • Marital Missteps
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources
  • Epilogue: Ruin and Rebirth
    • Bibliography
      • Archives
      • Primary Sources
      • Secondary Sources


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