Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll in the Dutch Golden Age

Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll in the Dutch Golden Age

  • Author: Roberts, Benjamin
  • Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
  • ISBN: 9789462983021
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789048532995
  • Place of publication:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Year of digital publication: 2017
  • Month: July
  • Pages: 160
  • Language: English
Binge drinking and illicit sex were just as common in the Dutch Golden Age as they are today, if not more so. Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll in the Dutch Golden Age is a compelling narrative about the generation of young men that came of age in the Dutch Republic during the economic boom of the early seventeenth century. Contrary to their parents' wishes, the younger generation grew up in luxury and wore extravagant clothing, grew their hair long, and squandered their time drinking and smoking. They created a new youth culture with many excesses; one that we today associate with the counterculture generation of the 1960s.With his engaging storytelling style and humorous anecdotes, Roberts convincingly reveals that deviant male youth behavior is common to all times, especially periods when youngsters have too much money and too much free time on their hands.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • 1. The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century
    • Amsterdam, 2017
    • Otto Copes, 1629
    • The richest country in the world
    • A country full of young people
    • Amsterdam, center of the world
    • The wedding party
    • Jeunesse dorée
    • Consumer goods
    • A fascination with children
    • Founding fathers of a new society
    • Young people in the Republic
  • 2. Violence
    • College life
    • Frères d’armes
    • Armed young men
    • Student violence
    • Nations
    • Karel Vijgh
    • Loco parentis
    • Group behavior
    • Channeling violence
    • Sports
  • 3. The Prodigal Son
    • The ‘Hair War’
    • Youth fashion
    • Bling-bling
    • Bright colors
    • Calculated sloppiness
    • Pimped-up clothing
    • Fashion and moralism
  • 4. Alcohol
    • College life
    • Symposia
    • Drinking games
    • The Bentvueghels
    • Chambers of rhetoric
    • Foreign youths
    • From bad to worse
    • Daniel Souterius
    • Dirck Pietersz Pers
    • Father Cats
  • 5. Sex
    • Whore-hopping
    • Public courting
    • Puberty in the Golden Age
    • Rembrandt, the late bloomer
    • Masturbation
    • Sodomy
    • Sex education
    • Venereal diseases
  • 6. Drugs
    • A new trend
    • Adriaen Brouwer
    • Belladonna
    • Young people and novelty
    • Doom and gloom
    • Smoking: a burning issue
    • Medical discourse
  • 7. Rock ’n’ Roll
    • Bredero
    • Jan Jansz Starter
    • Secular songbooks
    • Making music
    • The art of love
  • 8. Conclusion
    • Otto Copes, 1650
    • A new generation
    • Founding fathers
    • Moderation
    • Education and the Dutch mentality
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index



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