British Foreign Secretaries and Japan, 1850-1990

British Foreign Secretaries and Japan, 1850-1990

Aspects of the Evolution of British Foreign Policy

  • Auteur: Best, Anthony; Cortazzi, Hugh
  • Éditeur: Amsterdam University Press
  • eISBN Pdf: 9781898823742
  • Lieu de publication:  Amsterdam , Netherlands
  • Année de publication électronique: 2018
  • Mois : Juin
  • Pages: 400
  • Langue: Anglais
This book reviews the role of British Foreign Secretaries in the formulation of British policy towards Japan from the re-opening of Japan in the middle of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. It also takes a critical look at the history of British relations with Japan over these years. Beginning with Lord John Russell (Foreign Secretary 1859-1865) and concluding with Geoffrey Howe (Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs, 1983-1989), the volume also examines the critical roles of two British Prime Ministers in the latter part of the twentieth century, Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, who ensured that Britain recognized both the reality and the opportunities for Britain resulting from the Japanese economic and industrial phenomenon. Heath’s main emphasis was on opening the Japanese market to British exports. Thatcher’s was on Japanese investment. This volume is a valuable addition to the Japan Society’s series devoted to aspects of Anglo-Japanese relations which includes ten volumes of Britain & Japan: Biographical Portraits as well as British Envoys in Japan.
  • Cover
  • Half Title
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • List of Contributors
  • 1. British Relationswith Japan,1852–2017: An Overview
  • 2. Lord John Russell, 1792–1878
  • 3. Lord Clarendon, 1800–1870
  • 4. Lord Granville, 1815–1891
  • 5. Lord Derby, 1826–1893
  • 6. Lord Salisbury, 1830–1903
  • 7. Lord Rosebery, 1847–1929
  • 8. Lord Kimberley, 1826–1902
  • 9. Lord Lansdowne, 1845–1927
  • 10. Sir Francis Bertie, 1844–1919
  • 11. Sir Edward Grey, 1862–1933
  • 12. Arthur James Balfour, 1848–1930
  • 13. Lord Curzon, 1859–1925
  • 14. Ramsay MacDonald, 1866–1937
  • 15. Austen Chamberlain1863–1937
  • 16. Sir John Simon1873–1954
  • 17. Lord Lytton, 1876–1947
  • 18. Sir Samuel Hoare, 1880–1959
  • 19. Sir Anthony Eden, 1897–1977
  • 20. Lord Halifax, 1881–1959
  • 21. Lord Hankey, 1877–1963 and R.A. Butler, 1902–1982 and the ‘Appeasement of Japan, 1939–1941
  • 22. Ernest Bevin 1881–1951
  • 23. Winston Churchil 1874–1965
  • 24. Britain and Japan, 1950–1990: A British Perspective
  • 25. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, 1903–1995
  • 26. Edward Heath, 1916–2005
  • 27. Margaret Thatcher, 1925–2013
  • 28. Sir Geoffrey Howe, 1926–2015
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Back Cover



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