The Movement for Global Mental Health

The Movement for Global Mental Health

Critical Views from South and Southeast Asia

In this volume, prominent anthropologists, public health physicians, and psychiatrists respond sympathetically but critically to the Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH), which seeks to export psychiatry throughout the world. They question some of its fundamental assumptions: the idea that "mental disorders" can clearly be identified; that they are primarily of biological origin; that the world is currently facing an "epidemic" of them; that the most appropriate treatments for them normally involve psycho-pharmaceutical drugs; and that local or indigenous therapies are of little interest or importance for treating them. Instead, the contributors argue that labeling mental suffering as "illness" or "disorder" is often highly problematic; that the countries of South and Southeast Asia have abundant, though non- psychiatric, resources for dealing with it; that its causes are often social and biographical; and that many non-pharmacological therapies are effective for dealing with it. In short, they advocate a thoroughgoing mental health pluralism.
  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • 1. Global Mental Health
    • Views from South Asia and Beyond
      • William S. Sax and Claudia Lang
  • Critical Histories
    • 2. Mental Ills for All
      • Genealogies of the Movement for Global Mental Health
        • Stefan Ecks
    • 3. Schizoid Balinese?
      • Anthropology’s Double Bind: Radical Alterity and Its Consequences for Schizophrenia
        • Annette Hornbacher
    • 4. Misdiagnosis
      • Global Mental Health, Social Determinants of Health and Beyond
        • Anindya Das and Mohan Rao
  • The Limits of Global Mental Health
    • 5. Jinns and the Proletarian Mumin Subject
      • Exploring the Limits of Global Mental Health in Bangladesh
        • Projit Bihari Mukharji
    • 6. Psychedelic Therapy
      • Diplomatic Re-compositions of Life/Non-life, the Living and the Dead
        • Harish Naraindas
  • Alternatives
    • 7. The House of Love and the Mental Hospital
      • Zones of Care and Recovery in South India
        • Murphy Halliburton
    • 8. Ayurvedic Psychiatry and the Moral Physiology of Depression in Kerala
      • Claudia Lang
    • 9. Global Mental Therapy
      • William S. Sax
  • Afterwords
    • 10. Global Mental Health
      • Love and Justice
        • Johannes Quack
    • 11. “Treatment” and Why We Need Alternatives
      • An Autoethnographic Reflection on Psychiatric Incarceration in India
        • Anonymous
  • Index



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