Rising to the Populist Challenge

Rising to the Populist Challenge

A new Playbook for Human Rights Actors

  • Autor: Chipkin, Ivor; Gomez, Krizna; Kaire, José; Kapronczay, Stefánia; Kertész, Anna; Kinzelbach, Katrin; Mander, Harsh; Mansour, Khaled; Martínez, Andrea; Pandya, Archana; Rekosh, Ed; Rodríguez-Garavito, César; Ron, James; Sikkink, Kathryn; Spannagel
  • Editor: Dejusticia
  • Colección: Dejusticia
  • eISBN Pdf: 9789585441354
  • Lugar de publicación:  Bogotá , Colombia
  • Año de publicación: 2018
  • Páginas: 204

This book collects and analyzes a repertoire of responses by human rights organizations to the crackdown against civil society in the populist context. Written by scholars and advocates in challenging political settings from around the world, this book offers ideas and inspiration to their peers in the human rights community who are grappling with and resisting the erosion of democracy and rights. This collection takes two steps towards clearing the path for this civil society transformation. First, it clarifies the specific challenges to human rights raised by contemporary populist regimes and movements. What is the populist playbook against human rights? Second, it contributes to documenting and learning from a wealth of initiatives by human rights actors. What innovations are human rights actors introducing into their strategies and narratives to counter those of populist regimes? In short, what is the human rights playbook against populism? From meticulous documentation of abuses in Turkey to more grassroots forms of social networking in Hungary, from peace caravans in India to finding new ways of being useful under 21st century dictatorships in Venezuela, like war correspondents reporting from the trenches, our authors step forward to share their own continuing struggles to help their communities. Based on evidence from populist governments in India, Venezuela, Hungary, Turkey, Russia, the United States, and Ecuador—as well as crackdowns against civil society in South Africa, Egypt and other countries—this volume provides hope, solidarity, and reinvigoration for the human rights movement.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments, César Rodríguez-Garavito and Krizna Gomez
  • Responding to the populist challenge: A new playbook for the human rights field, César Rodríguez-Garavito and Krizna Gomez
  • Part I: Pushing back against the crackdown on human rights and civil society: Case studies
    • The crackdown on ngos as an opportunity to reinforce human rights values: A hungarian case study, Stefánia Kapronczay and Anna Kertész
    • Resilience in non-democratic contexts: The challenge of being useful under the venezuelan 21st century dictatorship, Rafael Uzcátegui
    • The fifth estate: Attacking and coopting the turkish media, Bilge Yesil
    • A caravan of love: Protest, atonement, and conscience in india, Harsh Mander
    • The end of tyranny: How civil society in south africa fought back, Ivor Chipkin
    • How to survive between a rock and a hard place: The experience of human rights organizations in egypt, Khaled Mansour
  • Part II: Strategic responses for the human rights field: New narratives, funding models, regulatory alternatives and grassroots mobilization
    • The delegitimization of civil society organizations: Thoughts on strategic responses to the “foreign agent” charge, Jonas Wolff
    • On death by a thousand mosquito bites: Navigating the regulatory attack, Edwin Rekosh
    • What will it take to reduce NGO dependence on foreign AID?, James Ron, José Kaire, Archana Pandya and Andrea Martínez
    • Response strategies to push back against the global crackdown on civil society, Mandeep Tiwana
  • Part III: Contesting the idea of closing spaces for human rights
    • A cautionary note about the frame of peril and crisis in human rights activism, Kathryn Sikkink
    • New ways to address an old problem: Political repression, Katrin Kinzelbach and Janika Spannagel
  • About the authors



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