Chapter I. Practical Exercises on Spanish Constitutional Law, María Garrote de Marcos PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Multiple choice questions
3. Practical case study I
4. Practical case study II
5. Comment on constitutional court judgement
Chapter II. Basic Practice of Criminal Law, José Núñez Ferández PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Developmental schema of the legal theory of the crime For its application in practice
3. Example of a resolved case
4. Practical case to be resolved
5. Multiple choice questions
Chapter III. Practical Aspects of Spanish Procedural Law, Manuel Díaz Martínez PhD
1. Introduction
2. Concept. essential aspects (case no. 1)
3. Function of proceedings (case no. 2)
4. Procedural prerequisites (case no. 3)
5. The structure of proceedings (case no. 4)
6. The principles of proceedings
7. Classes of proceedings
Chapter IV. Practice of International Labour and Social Security Law, Belén Alonso-Olea García PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Concept of expatriate worker
3. Determination of legislation applicable to employment contracts
4. Determination of legislation applicable to social security legal relations
5. Practical cases
Second Part: Private law
Chapter I. Civil law application from a jurisdictional practical perspective: An example of a commentary of a sentence from the High Court (Tribunal Supremo), Juan Carlos Menéndez Mato PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Sentence 14th march, 2012, own-legacy. revocation of the legacy: requirements
Chapter II. A Proposal for a basic Practice on Commercial Law: International Contract Law, Advertisement Law, Trademark and Competition Law, Eva M. Domínguez Pérez PhD.
1. Introduction
2. A proposal for a practical law case approach: the moot court approach
3. Example of a resolved case: trademark and competition law
4. Law cases to be resolved
5. Bibliography review
Chapter III. Practical Approach to Current Issues in Private International Law, Mónica Herranz Ballesteros PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Multiple choice questions
3. Brief practical cases
4. In depth practices
Third Part: Economics
Chapter I. The Economic Framework of Spanish Law in its Constitutional Context (A practical Aproach), Pablo de Diego Ángeles PhD.
1. Introduction
2. Multiple choice questions related to economic principles encompassed in the spanish constitution
3. Multiple choice question related to the law 19/2013, on transparency, access to public information and good governance
4. Proposed solutions
Chapter II. Practical Exercises in Spanish Economy, Nuria González Rabanal PhD., Miryam de la Concepción González Rabanal PhD.