Introduction. Transfers and cultural diplomacy in a global campus: new studies in university history
Transatlantic cultural embassies: Georges Clemenceau in Buenos Aires and Paul Groussac in Paris, 1910-1911. Intellectual relations and university life
Machiavelli in the classroom: circulation and transfer of
knowledge between Europe and the Americas
Political and Academic Relations in Turbulent Times. The Deutsch-Spanische Gesellschaft and University Falangism, 1939-1945
A Catholic safe haven: University students from Eastern Europe in Spain during Francoism
Between Spain and the United States. The Del Amo
Foundation and its scientific projects for the Spanish university (1929-197
A Global Campus Beyond the Cold War. Peace and
Disarmament Among Spanish Academics during the Debate on Joining and Remaini
The Usefulness of Data in the Study of the Feminisation and Re-Masculinisation of Religion in Spain (1880-1930)
Marriage Institution and Christianity in Nsukka, Nigeria: Between Acculturation and Syncretism, 1970-2013
Spanish tourist industry during the Franco’s regime
through the touristic cinema (1951-1977)
“Such pushing and shoving… and the smell! Why ever would they allow these people in to the Academy?”: sociability and body language of Madrid’s museums visitors (19th century)
Otra cosa que no sé cómo decir. Tosquelles, una historia cultural desde las vanguardias literarias y artísticas
When Silence Creates Memory: Performed Communities in Nineteenth-century Spanish and French Commemorations