This book contains 11 papers that review the extant information about the Colorado River from an ecosystem perspective and serve as the basis for discussion of the use of ecosystem/earth science information for river management and dam operations. It also contains a synopsis of the committee's findings and recommendations to the Bureau of Reclamation as the agency seeks to change its direction to the management of natural resources.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Committee Synopsis/Findings and Recommendations
- The Law and Politics of the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam
- The Role of Science in Natural Resource Management: The Case fr the Colorado River
- Hydrology of Glen Canyon and the Grand Canyon
- Sediment Transport in the Colorado River Basin
- Limnology of Lake Powell and the Chemistry of the Colorado River
- Algal and Invertebrate Biota in the Colorado River: Comparison of Pre- and Post-Dam Conditions
- Native Fishes of the Grand Canyon Region: An Obituary?
- Historic Changes in Vegetation Along the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon
- Reservoir Operations
- A Brief History of the Glen Canyon Environmental Studies
- Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Research Program: Past, Present, and Future
- Closing Remarks
- Appendix A: Symposium Program
- Appendix B: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
- Appendix C: Symposium Invitees
- Appendix D: Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Technical Reports