This book includes an assessment of the global minerals and metals industry; a review of technologies in use for exploration, mining, minerals processing, and metals extraction; and a look at research priorities. The core of the volume is a series of specific recommendations for government, industry, and the academic community, to promote partnerships that will produce a strong flow of new technologies. Special focus is given to the role of the federal government, particularly the Bureau of Mines.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- Executive Summary
- 1. U.S. Minerals and Metals Industry in a Changing Global Context
- 2. Supply, Demand, and Competitiveness
- 3. Role of Science and Technology in Minerals and Metals Competitveness Issues
- 4. Resources for Research and Development
- 5. Federal Role in Technology and Competitiveness
- 6. Recommendations
- Appendix: Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
- Index