This series of individually authored chapters examines the nature and extent of scientific advances in the nutrition sciences and describes both future opportunities in the field and barriers to progress. Despite concern about declining attention to nutrition in universities and medical schools, the authors offer a bright and challenging future in nutrition research and training that should generate enthusiasm among young researchers and teachers for this indispensable component of biology.
- Cover
- Front Matter
- I Frontiers in the Nutrition Sciences - Molecular Biology and Nutrition Research
- The Genome: Nutrition and Human Variation
- Biotechnological Developments: Potential for Improvements in Food Formulation, Nutrient Delivery, and Safety
- From Ecologic Correlations to Metabolic Epidemiology: The Link with Nutrition
- II Future of Dietary Intervention- Introduction
- Nutrition and Public Health -- New Dimensions
- The National Cholesterol Education Program
- The International Dimension: Nutrition
- III Academia and the Nutrition Sciences - Recent Trends and Future Directions
- Critical Issues in Nutrition Sciences at the University Level
- Nutrition in Medicine: What Is Its Place?
- Critical Issues in Nutrition Education and Training at the University Level
- The Role of Undergraduate Research Colleges in the Education of Future Nutrition Scientists
- Commentary
- Authors and Coauthors