Appendix C: List of Documents Supplied to Anticholinesterase Panel
Appendix D: List of Documents Supplied to Anticholinergic Panel
Appendix E: Case-File Data on Edgewood Subjects
Appendix F: Excerpts from BZ Data, Contract DA-18-108-405-CML-826
Appendix G: Summary of Acute- and Chronic-Toxicity Data in Various Mammalian Species (Ditran, Benactyzine, EA 2545, EA 3167, EA 3443, EA 3392, EA 3580, EA 3834, 226,086)-- by Leo G. Abood, Ph.D.
Appendix H: Evaluation of Data from Short-Term Testing of Anticholinergic Chemicals-- by Virginia C. Dunkel, Ph.D.
Appendix I: Digest Report--Anticholinergic Chemicals-- by Henry Wills, Ph.D.
Appendix J: Anticholinergic Drugs and the EEG-- by Max Fink, Ph.D.
Appendix K: Biochemical Aspects of Anticholinergic Chemicals-- by John J. O'Neill, Ph.D.
Appendix L: Structure-Activity Relations of the Centrally Active Anticholinergic Agents-- by Leo G. Abood, Ph.D.