A Review of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program

A Review of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program

  • Autor: Lin, Herbert S.; McGroddy, James C.
  • Editor: National Academies Press
  • ISBN: 9780309092241
  • eISBN Pdf: 9780309597104
  • eISBN Epub: 9780309182355
  • Lloc de publicació:  United States
  • Any de publicació digital: 2004
  • Mes: Maig
  • Pàgines: 79
  • DDC: 540
  • Idioma: Anglés
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in the process of developing a modern information technology (IT) system—the Trilogy program— that is designed to provide a high-speed network, modern workstations and software, and an application—the Virtual Case File (VCF)—to enhance the ability of agents to organize, access, and analyze information. Implementation of this system has encountered substantial difficulties, however, and has been the subject of much investigation and congressional concern. To help address these problems, the FBI asked the National Research Council (NRC) to undertake a quick review of the program and the progress that has been made to date. This report presents that review. The current status of four major aspects of the program—the enterprise architecture, system design, program management, and human resources—are discussed, and recommendations are presented to address the problems.
  • FrontMatter
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment of Reviewers
  • Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • 1 Background
  • 2 IT-Related Issues for the FBI Requiring Immediate Action
  • 3 Recommendations
  • Appendix: Short Biographies
  • What Is CSTB?
