Enrico Annibale Butti: The Predicament Of The Minor Writer

Enrico Annibale Butti: The Predicament Of The Minor Writer

A re-evaluation of the works by this novelist, dramatist, and critic of turn-of-the-century Milan. The issue of Butti's place in literary history leads to a critical definition of the minor writer in relation to his public.

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Butti and His Contemporaries
    • I. Gabriele D'Annunzio
    • II. Henrik Ibsen
    • III. Edgar Allan Poe
  • Chapter Two: Il Castello del Sogno
    • I. Referentiality and Pastiche
    • II. Nietzsche and the Problem of Time
  • Chapter Three: The Literature of Failure
    • I. The Author and His Public
    • II. Language and its Discontents
  • Conclusion: The Minor Writer
  • Selected Bibliography


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