La mística Ciudad de Dios (1670)

La mística Ciudad de Dios (1670)

The book introduces readers to literary links between this seventeenth-century prose of Sor María de Jesús de Agreda and other Spanish baroque masterpieces. The author reexamines the original text and discovers significant dimensions regarding its historical, religious, and literary importance. His research of the novelesque form and "dialogical principles" operative in La mística ciudad de Dios provides convincing evidence of substantive prose literature.

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • I. Introduction
    • 1. Statement of purpose
    • 2. Critical Coordinates
    • 3. Conclusion
  • II. Sor María de Jesús (Coronel) de Agreda:
    • 1. Biographical notes
    • 2. Prólogo de Padre Samaniego
    • 3. Bibliographical profile
    • 4. Historical setting
    • 5. Sor María, the author, among her contemporaries
  • III. The Text:
    • 1. Narrative technique vis-a-vis the actual text
    • 2. Narrative Structure
    • 3. Intertextuality
    • 4. Polemics of 17th and 18th centuries
    • 5. Twentieth century "obscurity"
  • IV. Conclusions
    • Works Cited and Consulted
  • Appendix I: Selected chapter titles Spanish 1670 version of text
  • Appendix II: "Censuras de la obra" 1670 Spanish version of text
  • Appendix III: Chapter titles and approbations in the English translations of 1872 and 1914