The politics of dissensus: parliament in debate

The politics of dissensus: parliament in debate

  • Author: Palonen, Kari; Rosales, Jose María; Turkka, Tapani (eds.)
  • Publisher: Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria
  • Serie: CUP
  • ISBN: 9788481027051
  • eISBN Pdf: 9788481027013
  • Place of publication:  Santander , Spain
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Pages: 520

The “Politics of Dissensus” inverts the traditional perspective on the study of parliamentary politics by focusing on its less obvious and less well-known aspects. Dissensus instead of consensus becomes the condition for the intelligibility of parliamentary politics. Such politics is indebted to the rhetorical culture of addressing issues from opposite perspectives and debating the alternatives pro et contra: no motion is approved without a thorough examination of, and confrontation among, imaginable alternatives. Establishing the openness of political debating, parliamentarism has become a distinctive historical contribution to the rise of parliamentary democracy. ”Parliament in Debate” refers to the paradigmatic institution for political deliberation, the debates surrounding its legislative activity, as well as the supervision of government and administration. Parliament has become a fascinating object of scrutiny as a political institution adopted and developed by different political traditions. In a nutshell, the book retrieves the study of parliamentary politics to present political theory and action in the parliamentary mode. It is a book on the relevance of parliamentarism to the study of politics and a book on the comparative conceptual and institutional history of parliamentary politics.

  • Cover
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • List of Contributors
  • Introduction. The Parliamentary Politics of Dissensus. Kari Palonen, José María Rosales and Tapani Turkka
  • Part I. Contemporary Perspectives on Parliamentarism
    • 1. On the Irrelevant Place of Parliamentarism in Democratic Theory: Antecedents. José María Rosales
    • 2. Law Making and Constitutionalisation beyond the State. Tapani Turkka
    • 3. Does Voting Matter? The Devaluation of Elections in Contemporary Democratic Theory. Anthoula Malkopoulou
    • 4. The European Parliament as Special Parliament and Political Actor: Dissensus, Debate and Deliberation as Tools. Claudia Wiesner
  • Part II. For and Against Parliamentarism
    • 5. Nineteenth-Century Spanish Counter-Revolution: The Critique to Liberal Parliamentarism and the Praise of the Traditional Constitution. Antonio Rivera García
    • 6. Monarchism, Republic and Parliamentary Government: Finland after the Civil War. Raija-Leena Loisa
    • 7. Rhetoric Against Rhetoric: Swedish Parliamentarism and the Interwar Crisis of Democracy. Jussi Kurunmäki
    • 8. Deliberation and Parliamentary Performance: The Spanish Parliament under Question. Elena García Guitián
    • 9. Parliamentary Culture in a Presidential Regime: The United States Congress’s Attempts to Restore the Constitution. Anna Kronlund
    • 10. The Parliamentary Style of Politics and its Rivals: Responses to the Crisis of Parliamentarism in Britain. Suvi Soininen
  • Part III. Parliamentary Procedure as a Political Model
    • 11. Parliament as a Model for Debating: Procedure Debates in the Cambridge and Oxford Union Societies. Taru Haapala
    • 12. ‘The Collision of Adverse Opinions’: John Stuart Mill’s Views on Social and Political Antagonism. Rosario López
    • 13. Fair Play and Scarce Time: Aspects of the 1882 Procedure Reform Debates in the British Parliament. Kari Palonen
    • 14. Adoption of Parliamentary Models in Finland: Question of Free Mandate in the Early Debates on the Procedures of the Finnish Eduskunta. Onni Pekonen
    • 15. Re-Activating the Parliament of Eloquence? Sarkozy’s Reform of Procedure in the French Assemblée Nationale. Tuula Vaarakallio
    • 16. Ethics for Adversaries, Parliament and Deliberation: Some Preliminary Arguments. Manuel Toscano
  • Part IV. Rhetorical and Conceptual Disputes in Parliaments
    • 17. Prospects for Parliamentary Government in an Era of War and Revolution: Britain and Germany in Spring 1917. Pasi Ihalainen
    • 18. The Status of the Right to Political Asylum: A Rhetorical Analysis of German and United Nations Debates. Hanna-Mari Kivistö
    • 19. Dissensus and the Contingent Polity: Parliamentary Debates on Citizenship Tests in Germany. Anna Björk
  • Epilogue. The Return of Parliamentary to the Political Science Agenda. Kyösti Pekonen


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