Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ) Vol. 4 N. 4

Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ) Vol. 4 N. 4

  • Cover
  • Copyright page
  • Index
  • Intelligent system to control electric power distribution networks. Pablo Chamoso Santos, Fernando De La Prieta y Gabriel Villarubia
  • Multi-agent gathering Waste System. Álvaro Lozano Murciegoa, Gabriel Villarrubia González, Alberto López Barriuso, Daniel Hernández de la Iglesia, Jorge Revuelta Herrero
  • JOUR-MAS: a multi-agent system approach to help journalism management. Alberto L. Barriuso, Fernando de La Prieta, Álvaro Lozano Murciego, Daniel Hernández, Jorge Revuelta Herrero
  • Towards Real-Time Argumentation. M. Navarroa, S.Heras, V. Botti and V. Julian
  • Wireless controller and smartphone based interaction system for electric bicycles. Jorge Revuelta, Gabriel Villarubia, Alberto L. Barriuso, Daniel Hernández, Álvaro Lozano, Marco Antonio de la Serna González
  • Learning Objects Recommendation System: Issues and Approaches for Retrieving, Indexing and Recomend Learning Objects. Ricardo Azambuja Silveira, Rafaela Lunardi Comarella, Ronaldo Lima Rocha Campos, Jonas Vian and Fernando de la Prieta
  • A drug identification system for intoxicated drivers based on a systematic review. Alfonso González-Briones, Juan Ramos and Juan F. de Paz



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